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“This topic is not a support question”

  • @thomasw98


    “This topic is not a support question” or “resolved” or “not resolved”…

    Sorry, but I do not understand what the above means. I see a pull-down menu with these three choices when I make a post and also when reading posts I see the selection. But I have no idea what these means to admin or regular users?

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  • @bpartch



    With this you can set the thread to read “resolved” or “not resolved” so to alert other users if the support question has already been answerd to the original posters satisfaction or not.

    Then you can also assign “this is not a support question” alerting users that that thread is not asking for assistance.



    Is there an easy way to remove this feature? My forum is not a support forum, it’s just for chatting and I don’t need this.




    Copy bb-templates/topic.php to my-templates/

    Find and remove

    <li id="resolution-flipper"><?php _e('This topic is') ?> <?php topic_resolved(); ?></li>

    This will likely be removed by default in future versions of bbPress.



    Great, thanks.

    The more I use this forum the more I love it.

    You guys have done a great job! Well done.



    You may also want to remove the link to ‘Unresolved Topics’ as well.



    bbPress 0.80 will not have the topic resolution stuff. There will be a plugin to re-implement it for those that want it.



    bbPress 0.80 will not have the topic resolution stuff. There will be a plugin to re-implement it for those that want it.

    Okay, Is there someone working on one at this present time, or..? I was just wondering, because for those downloading SVN commits of bbPress files.. it would be nice to have this plugin already uploaded and handy..

    Especially with a few SVN commits back, that was partly, or totally removed already.. right? Thanks in advanced.. ;) :)

    /Me didn’t upload that part of the SVN commit(s), but will apply changes manually if need be.. ;)

    Well, I could just leave those files alone for my forums, and if any new SVN commits come through, for other code changes within those “specific files”.. I can manually apply the changes.. I just want to keep this for my forums, just incase needed. ;)




    so1o has already graciously converted the old core code into a plugin. The initial release can be found



    Oh nice!! Thanks for the link Michael! ;) :) I just manually adjusted the “latest” svn files lastnight, for .80 alpha, which is currently running on my forums now.. I manually implemented the [Resolved] codes back into the files, now I won’t have too! :) ;) :D

    Thanks again!


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