Please file this in
so Sam will see it and address it.
But it’s possible that it’s been fixed already in the trunk.
I think it is not fixed. I have the same problem with 1.06a.
having same problems here on 1 alpha 6. Would love to see this fixed asap. No pressure or anything!
This was the non-ajax method only. Fixed in trunk.
Thanks for the fix 
I have and modified because there are some stuff that is related with the template; h2 tag, tag cloud size, « Previous and a &hellip for pagination…
Could it be possible to move this stuff to the template folder? perhaps in a functions.php file?
BTW, I just tried to remove a tag and it says that I can’t because the topic “is closed” when it actually is not
wow, that was quick. Could you let me know which file(s) it is that have changed so I can upload the relevant ones rather than the whole lot?
it is but it didn’t work for me
just discovered subversion, wow!
anyway, it’s not working. I get “The tag was not removed. You cannot remove a tag from a closed topic.” despite the topic not being closed.
and now “Your attempt to remove this tag from this topic has failed. Please try again.”
the ‘destroy tag’ option that you get on the bottom of the tag’s page does delete the tags, though it reports ‘0 records deleted’ on the page after they’re deleted.
the plot thickens…
I’ll take another look at this.
I don’t quite understand your question. If you utilise the API properly there is no need to modify core files. You can place modifications in a plugin or in a functions.php file in your theme.
You can place modifications in a plugin or in a functions.php file in your theme.
I have no idea about how to do this but if somebody put me on the trail I’m pretty sure I’ll manage. How can I replace some functions from and with a plugin?
Create functions.php in your theme folder.
Then … well, you use remove and add
// This sets closed lable to read as 'read only' instead of 'closed'
remove_filter('bb_topic_labels', 'bb_closed_label');
function my_closed_label( $label ) {
global $topic;
if ( '0' === $topic->topic_open )
return sprintf(__('[Read Only] %s'), $label);
return $label;
add_filter('bb_topic_labels', 'my_closed_label');
Thanks Ipstenu 
I do not catch the first line; remove_filter(‘bb_topic_labels’, ‘bb_closed_label’);
bb_closed_label is the function that you are going to replace, but what is bb_topic_labels and where do you get it?
I want to replace post_form, bb_tag_heat_map and bb_paginate_links functions
the little x next to tags does delete them in an ajax style. The problem was after updating from 0.9 to 1.0 I did not update my themes properly.
topic_tags(); now covers the whole thing – taking the add tag form from line 2457 on
I don’t get it. I’m using topic_tags and [X] won’t delete any tag.
@ganzua, are you using v1.06a?
@ganzua: I predict that you are integrated with WordPress, and that your jQuery isn’t being loaded correctly.
I will prove this theory by asking for you to add a topic to your favorites on your forum, and report back and let me know if it works.