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Successfully convert SMF 2.0 RC1 to bbPress 1.0

  • @stevenhodson


    Well I managed to do it. Goodbye SMF and hello bbPress with all the data intact.

    I still have one part of my custom theme to fix up but for the remaining 99% everything is working great. So yes a conversion can be done – it ain’t easy but it is possible.

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  • @ipstenu


    Can you share directions for other people? :)



    Steve mentioned here that he would be doing that:



    Hey, please anybody can help me? I want to import SMF 2.0RC2 to BbPress 1.0.2. Any help, Steve?



    @navjotjsingh – much apologies but I’ve had my head down recently in both work and another side project which has kind of delayed my posting about the experience. Hopefully I will be able to get back on track at some point next week and pull all my notes together and get the posts written.



    I achieved this within 30mins or less. Here’s how to go about it:

    The first thing you need to do is download the latest phpbb, and install on a subdomain (I name mine phpbb, like this:

    Then download the Smf 2.0 to Phpbb converter here:

    Now upload the zip file to the root directory where you installed phpbb (in my case:

    I suggest you upload the zip file directly, then extract from your cpanel file manager in order not to mess up with the folder structure.

    Now point your browser to where you installed phpbb, in my case: and then click on the convert tab, and a list of converters will come up, you’ll see smf 2.o listed there. Just continue from there following the instructions listed.

    During the convert there’s a stage where phpbb would be asking for the path to your smf 2.0 board, simply enter it. In my case smf was on:, so I entered: ../forums. Initially my smf was installed at:, I kept getting errors, so I just moved it with my cpanel file manager to: And the whole process went smoothly.

    But if your smf is on the root, just enter this value there: ../

    If you follow the above instructions, you should get your smf converted to phpbb without a glitch.

    Now it’s time to convert to BBpress (the mighty bbpress).

    Download the latest version, and install exactly where you want it to be, in my case I installed it on the root which is You must install bbpress using the same database with the phpbb you just converted.

    Now download the phpbb to bbpress converter here:

    Extract the zip on your desktop, and you’ll end up with two files.

    Upload the phpbb3tobbpress.php file to the root directory of your phpbb (in my case:

    copy the other file which is: _phpbb3_pass.php to your newly installed bbpress plugins directory. Copy this to bb-plugins folder and not to my plugins.

    Now point your browser to where you installed phpbb, and add the link of the converter at the end, in my case this was: and follow the instructions to convert your phpbb board to bbpress.

    As simple as that. I’m no expert, so anybody should be able to do this. Anyways I’m available to questions.

    Welcome to bbpress!



    I might do this, if it has most/all of the plugins I NEED!

    But I have SMF 2.0RC3, will this work?



    This did not work for me. The first time I tried it, I got as far as “Convert Posts” then go this:


    SQL ERROR [ mysqli ]

    Data too long for column ‘user_url’ at row 1 [1406]

    I then tried again (having no idea what to do), and got this error message:


    Duplicate entry ‘1’ for key ‘PRIMARY’ [1062] followed by a bunch of text that seems to replicate the key.



    Edit: Im not sure if this works for SMF 2.0

    Heres how I did it, although its pretty annoying.

    Download buddypress.

    Theres a plugin for buddypress called ‘SMF import’ run that.

    Then in admin dashboard go Tools>import>bbPress Standalone

    You can then delete the buddypress and import plugins if you want



    how can we upload a wordpress plugins?

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