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Still no visual editor?

  • @klantomo


    Unfortunately, the visual editor is still not working properly in version 2.5. You can enable it as described here but then you only get a very spartan version of tinymce that doesn’t even support media uploads. You can enable the media uploads button with $args[‘media_buttons’] = true; but then uploads don’t work with SSL.

    Is there any chance that bbpress will support a modern editor in the near future? The claim that “The HTML editor works extremely well” is not true. Any CMS that is supposed to be used not only by developers has to support a visual editor nowadays. What bbpress needs is a visual editor that works extremely well. Then you can remove this old fashioned HTML editor.

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  • @sornin


    I agree that a fully-functioning visual editor with feature parity to WordPress would be great to see. In fact, I would like to see it be made a very high priority as forum users certainly have come to expect a WYSIWYG editor. To me, this feature trumps any other as it has the greatest effect on users and their ability to post.

    Either the problem is difficult to fix or the main developers do not agree a great visual editor is very important because it has been disabled by default since April, which surprises me a bit. When it initially was disabled I figured it would be a temporary thing and would be back for 2.4, and now work is being done on 2.6 without mention of this. :/



    The HTML editor does work extremely well, as an HTML editor. If you want to enable the visual editor, a Google search should reveal this page as the top hit:

    Enable Visual Editor



    John, yes the HTML editor works extremely well as HTML editor, but the HTML editor works extremely badly as web editor for end users. If you had read my post, then you would have noticed that I already mentioned how the visual editor can be enabled. The point is that it is a extremely bad visual editor. Show me one successful social media site that doesn’t support the upload of media. The truth is that the end user interface of bbpress is extremely old fashioned and extremely outdated.

    Another thing. A forum moderator should never ever patronize users and send them to Google.



    This from codex is simply not working. Tried with several different modifications. Functions.php code for WP comments form works without problems with functions.php code.

    I would use plugins for this, but dont want to give forum users all buttons Admin sees and use too.



    @stagger-lee I just tested the code from and it worked fine.

    You could also try the following as a plugin, it has options to enable the full editor, though it sounds like you don’t want this so don’t enable it.



    If it works for others i must be making some mistake. Tried with default theme same problem. It is some test development with many, many WP and Bbpress plugins. Could be that some of them is blocking.



    Unbelievable, plugin “Crayon Syntax Highlighter Settings ” activated Tinymce in Bbpress with its option “Display the Tag Editor in any TinyMCE instances on the frontend (e.g. bbPress)”.

    Problem is i dont want to use this plugin and use functions.php to decide what buttons are visible.



    is there a reason why visual editor is disabled by default? ( not stable? ).

    Is there a quote plugin that is compatible with the visual editor? the one with GD bbpress works only with the non-visual editor

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