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Starter problems – registration not working

  • @monopohl


    Hi all,

    I tried to create a small community forum on our webpage, however I am facing some issues.

    I am running WordPress 5.4 and installed the most current version of bbpress through the plugins section, activated it network wide, created a forum, creted a post, all working well.

    Then I thought I need a way for the users to register and after some googling, I found out that I have to create a page that contains the [bbp-register], which I did. When I visit that page it shows the registration form. I enter a username and Email and when I submit, the site refreshes to wp-signup.php which shows another registration form asking for the same information. When I enter the data there again, registration is working, but that is not how it is supposed to be, right?

    Kind regards,

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  • @robin-w


    link to your site please





    hmm – you seem to have something that is firing

    are you multisite – you will know if you are, so if you don’t know the answer, the chances are you are not !

    what other plugins do you have running?




    sorry for my late reply.

    Yes it is a multisite (network) installation. Currently I am only using one site but I prepared this for future sites to be added.

    My active plugins:

    Akismet Anti-Spam
    Contact Form
    GRAND Fla Gallery
    Honeypot for Contact Form 7
    Network Privacy
    Slider Revolution
    The EVents Calendar
    Wordpress Importer
    Wordpress MU Domain Mapping (notsure if Im even using this or if it is a leftover…)
    WP DSGVO Tools

    Wordpress, Themes and Addons are all on the latest version.

    Kind regards,



    Any hint what I could check?



    it was something to do with multisite – if you’d replied earlier I would have remembered what I googled to get an answer – I’ll come back if I remember.



    Uhm well regarding your hint I found this

    Register on Multisite

    Seems somewhat odd to me. bbpress claims to be from the developers of WordPress and to be multisite compatible but so far it seems not to be possible to use the registration properly without creating a custom wp-signup.php or using a third party plugin?

    Did I get that right?



    bbpress just uses WordPress – so any WordPress registration will be fine – maybe theme my login



    I jused the Login with Ajax Plugin, that works now.

    However I think such a trivial function should be there out of the box…

    Thanks for your help.




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