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spam users are registering in my website

  • @techknowledgic



    I am facing an issue which is I am having a lot of spam sign up in my website. I am using captcha plugin and I am still having the same issue and my hosting provider did a malware scan for my website and they scan it’s good and there are no infected files

    what should I do? here is the sign up page of my website


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  • @robin-w


    Not quite sure that this is forum related – but are you saying that scammers are successfully signing up despite the captcha?



    I posted it here because the sign up is by the bbpress widget using this code [bbp-register]

    and before I was having an issue which is many users with weird names and emails are registering with my websites and I have been told to use captcha so a real person can sign up only but now even with capthca I am having spam users idk how!

    knowing that I am the only admin and I changed my pass and email several times and didn’t work



    Not really about bbpress, more about security against spam on your site.

    you need to secure your website more from spam bots

    akismet helps, security plugins help , captchas help (bbpress recaptcha), cdns with security features help (cloudflare, incapsula)



    I have a Captcha plugin and Akismet and nothing worked



    these 3 wordpress plugins are very effective in eliminating spambots and other spammers on wordpress/bbpress site

    i use all 3 with no apparent problems, but read the notes for each plugin, all need to be properly configured and stop spammer reg can be very aggressive and may deny some of your legit visitors access if not properly configured



    these 3 wordpress plugins are very effective in eliminating spambots and other spammers on wordpress/bbpress site

    i use all 3 with no apparent problems, but read the notes for each plugin, all need to be properly configured and stop spammer reg can be very aggressive and may deny some of your legit visitors access if not properly configured



    Is there a way to add Math Captcha to the registration page? I have the plugin clicked for bbpress but it doesn’t show up when I go visit the said page.





    if you are using this it says it does have bbpress compatibility

    other than that i say ditch captchas altogether and use bruteprotect or jp protect when its fused with jetpack.



    Thanks Sam, I’ll use Keith’s stop spammers as I’ve used that before. I know he had cancer so I sent some money his way and I’m glad he’s still around.

    I know that spam is a wordpress thing more than a BBpress thing but when we show up maybe these tips could be put in a general forum that is closed and it can help folks.

    It would be nice since I had four people or one person with four emails login in this morning and they created groups with no links about delayed ticket arrival garbage (10 – 15 paragraphs) so I went in and marked their accounts as spam and blocked them and then deleted the groups they created.

    Things like this could be added as a lessons learned.

    Thanks all…



    Most of the Marketing Bots are advance enough to break through any type of Captcha Code. The real issue is not pondering over your captcha code, but you need to make your login/registration process secure with additional questions such as

    What is the 3rd character in my Domain after www. ?

    As far as math captcha is concerned, it can be easily cracked by Marketing Bots. You need to create your own custom question and this will surely help to get rid of automated registrations.

    I was handling wordpress blog for 1 client and every day I used to get around 10-50 comments. Ultimately I had to block the commenting feature. Spamming is really bad form of marketing.



    wanguard works best for me…no more spammers at all



    Just to add another suggestion, I’ve found this plugin works well on a regular WP install (not yet used with a live bbpress installation but the plugin info does say it supports it):

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