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Single forum shortcode pagination not working

  • @shabus



    I have a problem where pagination is not working in my theme.

    I am doing template redirect in function.php to template file of forum, topic or reply if URL is like http://domain/forums/…
    Right templates are loaded and right content is shown, but pagination is not working, first page is always shown/loaded.
    Pagination appends …/page/{page}/ to URL when page is selected, but always first page of data loads.
    I have tried to set page manually, among others, $bbpressInstance->forum_query->paged, but no luck.

    My question is, how and where to set page that should be loaded, and how to track where is the problem. Because problem is in my theme, pagination works in WP default themes.
    How to debug this?

    I am on deadline, but stuck on this basic feature and should appreciate some pointers how to debug this.

    BBPress forum is included in my template file through shortcode
    echo do_shortcode('[bbp-single-forum id='.$id.']');
    Topics are included like
    echo do_shortcode ( '[bbp-single-topic id=' . $id . ']' );
    And Replays like
    echo do_shortcode ( '[bbp-single-reply id=' . $id . ']' );

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  • @robkk


    contact your theme developer if you still have time.



    hehehe..I’am theme developer 😀
    I found out this is, somehow, connected to imported content to WP.
    Without the content, pagination works.
    Rewrites, redirections removed, no luck.
    But now, at least, I know how to debug this 🙂

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