Resource Usage
So I’m having a problem with BBpress recently on my website at my webhost (Site5) works with resource points and with using BBpress the resource usage has been increasing by the day.
If this plugin is disabled a daily resource usage is between 100 – 200 resource points, however when I enable BBpress it suddenly rises to 600 to 800 and even +900 resource points in a single day.
This of course makes the web hosts disable my website when it crosses the limit of 450 resource points per day.
I’ve already completely remove my wordpress installation, theme, and all plugins to then completely re-install everything from scratch as before I also had problems with BBpress not showing after updating to wordpress 4.0.
With that I before didn’t know it was caused by the BBpress I was already trying to optimise with using W3 Total Cache and Cloudflare to try to reduce it, yet this wasn’t the case. The website in general did became faster however the resource usage stayed the same.
So currently the forum is installed on new installation yet the forum is still hogging up resources so my question here is:
Is there a way to optimise this or a way to export the boards/forums to use in another forum application/plugin?
My current plugins that are active:
– AdSense Click-Fraud Monitoring Plugin
– BAW Login/Logout menu
– bbPress
– BulletProof Security
– CloudFlare
– W3 Total Cache
– WP User AvatarFor the rest it is using a slightly CSS edited version of the FLAT theme but besides that nothing else has been edited to wordpress itself.
Thanks in advance for any information in advance.
Ps: For more of a month I’m trying to post in this forum but after each thread I make it does not appear.
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