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Request: Voting

  • Lars Henriksen



    I’m setting up a non-profit forum for history teachers to share courses and other stuff. Would be great to have a ‘like’ or voting function and a widget with most liked forum posts to give sharing teachers some credit.

    I was OK with ‘BBpress Like Button’, except for the lack of a ‘most liked’ widget, but I had to manually delete it with the last update of BBpress because of a dependency, I think. Now I’m not feeling safe with a plugin that f. up my site when I update.

    I have installed the ‘GetShopped Support Forum Plugin’ from Github – does anyone have experience with this?

    Is there any plans to build voting in to the core of BBpress?



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  • Robkk


    I was OK with ‘BBpress Like Button’, except for the lack of a ‘most liked’ widget,

    this plugin is having issues now?? you should contact the developer.

    I have installed the ‘GetShopped Support Forum Plugin’ from Github – does anyone have experience with this?

    yes in the past , the plugin is quite buggy now

    use this updated version that says it also has a voting feature now.

    Lars Henriksen


    Thanks Robkk,

    I tried bbPress-Support-Forums, but it puts some strange stuff in the forum header:


    It would be nice with a plugin that just lets logged in users vote, with a widget of most voted topics.



    these two plugins are both compatible with bbPress and have exactly what you said.

    for support forums plugin i guess try this plugin instead

    Lars Henriksen


    Thanks Robkk, this is very good advice.

    I hope WP Ulike will support BBpress soon , though.



    it looks like the automatic configuring will be soon in its next release.

    Stagger Lee


    Be very careful if you plan to use Like/Vote for comments/replies. Each reply is treated as separate Post and you could very easy slow down your forum tremendously.
    And maybe your whole WP site, I see you need to use widget too.

    Lars Henriksen


    Ok, thanks for the advice.

    I’m currently using WP Ulike with no problems, but there is not so many visitors on my site yet.


    Wait for the new release.

    Chad R. Schulz


    I’m trying Thumbs Rating. It doesn’t tie into any user meta, so you can’t restrict the voting to only registered/logged-in users. However, it works very well and very fast. It only adds post meta so it shouldn’t noticeably slow-down your site even with thousands of topics/replies.

    After activation, per the plugin developers instructions I put the following code into my loop-single-relay.php:
    <?=function_exists('thumbs_rating_getlink') ? thumbs_rating_getlink() : ''?>
    goes somewhere between <div class="bbp-reply-content"> and </div>
    –this is theme specific and has to be modified based on your needs. I found that placing the vote before or after and not inside the content works best as the “quote” function in the forum(s) gets screwed up with the added voting content.

    That means before/after the <?php do_action( 'bbp_theme_before/after_reply_content' ); ?>

    Of course, as a lightweight plugin some serious css work is required. And it would be best to place this modified .php file into a bbpress child theme folder to ensure it continues to work after updates.

    Good luck, Chad

    Lars Henriksen


    Thanks Chad, I like the idea of lightweight too, so I took your advice and tried it out.
    It works fine with custom posts and pages, but I can’t set it up with BBpress.

    First of all, is my child theme path correct:

    (childtheme)/bbpress or should it be (childtheme)/plugins/bbress?

    You mean ‘single-reply.php’ above, right? 🙂

    Do I have to modify bbpress css ?

    Can you post a link to your site, please?



    Chad R. Schulz


    Sorry, I just noticed a typo in my post. The php file you need to alter is loop-single-reply.php and it’s going to be in your plugins/bbpress/templates/default/bbpress folder. But it may also be in your theme’s folder if your theme has custom bbpress template files. If your theme has a bbpress folder in it themes/{your theme}/bbpress than that’s the file your need to make your adjustments to.

    Make your simple addition: put <?=function_exists('thumbs_rating_getlink') ? thumbs_rating_getlink() : ''?> inbetween <?php do_action( 'bbp_theme_before_reply_content' ); ?> and <?php do_action( 'bbp_theme_after_reply_content' ); ?> either before the content <?php bbp_reply_content(); ?> or after it. It all depends on what you prefer.

    And then put it in your theme’s child folder: themes/{child-theme}/bbpress/loop-single-reply.php.

    If you aren’t using a child theme (highly recommended, BTW) you’ll will have to modify this file directly and replace it in the default folder. And, every time you update your theme and/or bbpress you may need to recreate this modification.

    And for css modifications you’ll have to insert the appropriate css mods (use Google Chrome to identify the css selectors and properties/values) into a custom.css file/plugin–I either use the one in Jetpack or in a stand alone plugin. You can also add the css modifications into your child theme’s .css file.

    –Refer to the plugin author’s support page on There are a lot of valuable css tips and suggestions. Also, the author had proven to be very helpful in getting his plugin up and running for most people.

    Oh, and my website is currently in the development stage and won’t be made public for awhile. I’m building it at my leisure, “The joy of hobby sites.”

    Hopefully this clears up a few things. It’s kinda hard to describe everything in detail. I just end up muddling through until it looks/acts OK. As a suggestion make sure you keep a default/unmodded .php file handy to switch back and forth with until everything works. Wouldn’t want to have to bother reupping a new file from a theme/bbpress .zip file every time you screw something up.

    Good luck, Chad

    Lars Henriksen


    Thank you very much Chad for taking your time to explain this.

    It works – almost like I wanted.

    The only thing that bugs me, is that you can’t vote for a single reply – it is by topic.

    If you can only vote for an entire topic/thread, it would be more logical to place the buttons next to the subscribe/favorite links in the top.

    I tried to add the code to the ‘content-single-topic-lead.php’ but to no avail.

    You can see it here.

    Anyways, I’m happy with my set up now, thanks again.

    Chad R. Schulz


    Odd. That doesn’t happen on my test site.

    On my site it allows you vote for topic/replies individually. And you can vote for replies without voting for topics.

    I tested it out and now know what’s happening. I’m not using threaded (nested) replies. If you use threaded replies it assumes all that follows is an extension of the first reply/topic and adds the meta to it, not the actual reply.

    Unless you absolutely want threaded replies? I don’t because I think it ends up kinda messy–if someone wants to splinter the discussion from the main topic they need to start their own topic instead.

    Maybe someone else knows of a potential fix on threaded discussions?

    Good luck,

    Lars Henriksen


    Chad, you are a rock star.

    I unticked ‘threaded forums’ in settings->Forum and now it does what I intended: gives credit to replies individually.

    Thanks again and good luck with your test site.


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