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register page problem

  • bbpressquestion


    I created a page with this code in it [bbp-register] and name this page forum register. However after updating the page and preview it, it keeps popping up my home page, not the forum register page. can someone help me with this? thanks.

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  • Vinod Dalvi


    Just tested it on my test site and it is working fine for me.

    Please make sure you are using latest version of bbPress plugin.

    This can be due to plugin conflict on your site so please try temporary deactivating all plugins except bbPress plugin and see whether everything works fine and then enable the plugins one by one to see which plugin is conflicting if any.

    Could you please share me the page URL from your site where it is not working correctly so that i can troubleshoot it?



    Thanks for the response. Sure, the i have both bbpress and buddypress plugin. My bbpress version is 2.5.13. Under my settings, I click on buddypress, buddypress has three tabs, one is components, pages, and options. So i click on pages, under pages, there’re directories and registration, under register, i choose “forum register” page cause that’s a page i created for that, shortcode i entered is [bbp-register], i click view, it brings me right back to homepage. However, all of these happening in browser safari. When i use google chrome and firefox, they both show up correctly. Here’s the URL:

    Forum Register

    And no i haven’t tested this out by deactivating any of my plugins yet. let me know what u think thanks.

    Vinod Dalvi


    It is also working fine on chrome browser. I don’t have safari browser to test it.

    Could you please test it disabling all safari browser extensions or test it on another computer?

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