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Questions from a user

  • sruddy


    1. On another forum we had, a nice feature was to show only all the NEW posts since the last visit. I had that link to NEW POSTS as a bookmark on my toolbar so I could just go to see what has newly arrived. Is there a way to do this here? I thought I saw it here somewhere, but can’t find since.

    2. I’d also like to see clicking the last column that is titled ‘Last Posts’ to result the most RECENT posts show at the top in descending order. Yes, I can look down and see which was in the last few days or hours or minutes, but would find it even more useful if I could reorder by time. If possible to make that column work that way.

    Thanks for all you’ve done to get us this robust new Forum,

    I realize there are no new posts button and they can be seen by just looking on the right of the forums. Is there anyway I can make this person happy? She is a pickle but I like to please as many as possible.

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