What rating level are you talking about??
Do you have any spam plugins on your site??
I have Akismet on my site, and it’s activated (and up to date), and I am referring to the ‘Discussion’ settings. I have set them to the ‘Maximum rating’ and this is the only thing I can see referring to rating across the CMS. I want my users to be free to post whatever language they wish (the site is carefully moderated and anything absolutely inappropriate is removed by the moderators.
THat should only be for avatars or gravatars and nothing else. You even see that option under a header tag that says Avatars.
The only settings bbPress uses in the discussion settings is the Moderation and Blacklisting settings.
Moderation and BlackListing
You might need to do some troubleshooting just in case to see what might be causing the issue.
Hi, this issue has resurfaced, one of the mods was trying to use the word ‘Cocks’ (it’s nothing crude, but in reference to a college football team) and her post keeps on being rejected. The fact that this is something which keeps reappearing is frustrating. I have nothing blacklisted, the boxes are completely empty, yet for some reason my users are being censored.
Are the posts marked as spam?? Since you have Akismet make sure it is not too aggressive in finding spam. You could set this in the Akismet plugin settings.
Other than that maybe look for a different spam plugin an alternate plugin to Akismet if it is too aggressive in stopping spam.
This for frontend posting/commenting.
And this for Registration might be a good combination.
Unfortunately, they aren’t showing up anywhere at all. The post won’t post fullstop – it doesn’t register as spam and appear in the CMS for me to approve/reject; the user is simply told that they don’t have permission to post at this time. The only reason I know that this is an error because of the language used is that when said language (in the first instance it was a pun about ‘porn’) was stripped out (it was changed to ‘pron’) the post appeared on the site without issue.
So any replies that say for example porn do not get posted?? Does it only check for participants posts and bybass yours?? You can create a test user that is a subscriber/participant and sign into it and tell me what error you get by using some of these censored words you have mentioned. If you post an image of the error notice it could possibly help me help you a little better.
Any error notice that would popup in bbPress about the user not having permission to do things because they do not have the capability to do so, like moderating topics, publishing topics from the backend stuff like that.
Essentially that is the case. I had already created a test account – as I wanted to make sure that things appeared correctly to users previously. Excuse the language in the screenshot, but these are just a few examples (the “Go COCKS”, for example, is a word for word quote from a friend who was showing support for her college football team):
Here is the code for that exact error notice. bbp_check_for_blacklist is checking the comment blacklist in Settings > Discussion. Since you said that you do not have anything in the blacklist do you have another plugin with a blacklist that could be hooking into the default comment blacklist??
/** Reply Blacklist *******************************************************/
if ( ! bbp_check_for_blacklist( $anonymous_data, $reply_author, $reply_title, $reply_content ) ) {
bbp_add_error( 'bbp_reply_blacklist', __( '<strong>ERROR</strong>: Your reply cannot be created at this time.', 'bbpress' ) );
This is something I did look at – I deactivated all the plugins and went back to square one – still got the same issue.
I have the following plugins active on my site:
Buddypress Group Chat
Buddypress Security Check
Firmasite theme enhancer
Mailchimp for WordPress Lite
Pinterest Verify for WordPress
Registration Honeypot
Sitewide Newsletters
Several of these weren’t activated until after the site was already experiencing these issues.
I have looked in Jetpack settings (as this is the only one I can see that could affect the blacklist (logically) but there is nothing in there I can see.
Some of my users are obviously getting frustrated by these strange messages all because they have used something in a joking manner – and we are all adults (I have an age rating on my forum which I moderate quite carefully – and manually – with the site moderators).
As a minor update, even the word cocktails appears to be blacklisted though I have no idea WHERE this blacklist is – is it possible to just remove that ‘check blacklist’ code from BBPress because it’s ridiculous – I don’t want it to check something that I have no control over just because, especially when I don’t even know where this list is.
Hi, thought I would let you know that I have discovered that there is a very sneakily hidden blacklist that cannot be edited at all in Mojo Marketplace. I removed this (it’s meant to provide some widgets and new – expensive – themes) and tested and was able to post – as were others. I hadn’t even noticed this previously because there is no way to edit any of the content or functionality in it.
Thank you so much for your help and patience.
Well that is really unexpected.
Glad you found the issue to what was causing the issue though.
Going to bookmark this in case anyone comes around with the same issue.