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Problems getting bbPress theme to work with my custom WP theme – "broken theme"

  • PaulieP


    Hi everyone. I’ve seen this come up a lot after having googled these issues but didnt find a consistent answer (e.g. some were from like 2009-2010 dealing with older versions.

    I’ve tried numerous things and I still get the common messages at the bottom of this post when going to Appearance/Themes from WP admin.

    1. This was a clean bbPress plugin install, latest version, done just a few days ago.

    2. Immediately after install, I saw the messages below when clicking the Themes link. I had not moved/changed anything. Seems this comes up, strange that the default bbpress plugin install creates these two error messages by default?

    3. I’ve tried copying the files/subfolders from the bbp-twentyten theme to the root directory of my custom theme and adding **add_theme_support( ‘bbpress’ );** (minus asterisks) to the functions.php of my custom theme. That got rid of the first error message, but the forum appearance was screwed up and definitely not correct, and the second error message about a Broken Theme was still there.

    4. I did not overwrite the style.css in my custom WP theme folder when I copied the bbp-twentyten files over. I assume I DO need to copy that stylesheet somehow, but how do I do it without overwriting my WP theme’s stylesheet?

    5. I do have key master and file/directory permissions are fine.

    6. Copying bbp-twentyten to the my-templates subfolder within the bbpress plugin directory (and of course bbp-twentyten was 755 I checked) still yielded nothing, the two messages at the end of the post still appeared.

    Sorry if this is are common issues. I’ve tried some of the suggestions I saw in past posts and they are not working. Any help appreciated. Thanks.


    “Your active theme does not include bbPress template files. Your forums are using the default styling included with bbPress.”

    “Broken Themes

    The following themes are installed but incomplete. Themes must have a stylesheet and a template.

    Name Description

    bbPress (Twenty Ten) The parent theme is missing. Please install the “twentyten” parent theme.”

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  • PaulieP



    “Your active theme does not include bbPress template files. Your forums are using the default styling included with bbPress.”

    This is not an error. It only state that the bbPress is using the style that comes with bbPress, which is located in the bbp-twentyten.

    “Broken Themes

    The following themes are installed but incomplete. Themes must have a stylesheet and a template.

    Name Description

    bbPress (Twenty Ten) The parent theme is missing. Please install the “twentyten” parent theme.”

    The “bbp-twentyten” comes with the bbpress is not designed to be use as a theme. It’s just used to style the bbPress forum, not your entire website.

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