It’s meant to mark the page as it being a sticky post. You can move it around on your template. I have mine show up after the number of replies so it would be Forum Rules (1 post) [sticky]
Look for <?php bb_topic_labels(); ?>
in your topic.php file.
Ah okay thanks, just making sure.
How come the sticky text is not showing on the latest discussions bit on the frontpage though?
I’ve noticed that the sticky topic is notified as one on this page as has [sticky] in the topic name along with being a different colour:
But on my index page it doesn’t show up as sticky or anything different:
How can I achive this so it shows up as sticky also on the frontpage
I thought the options for sticky were like this:
[Stick topic (to front)]
Where “to front” sticks it to the front page, and “Stick topic” just sticks it in its own forum. I haven’t done it in a long time so I am unsure if that is the case any more or not. If it’s already stuck, I think you have to “Unstick topic” then re-stick it to the front page.
Where would this option be located in the code? Can’t seem to find it. Thanks for your post.
I don’t know where it is in the code. Does it not appear at the bottom of the topic when you are logged in as keymaster?
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[Delete entire topic] [Open topic] [Unstick topic]
Move this topic to the selected forum:
Thats all I get under the topic as Keymaster
That’s because your topic is already stuck
Click on Unstick topic. Then you get the options again.
Ah the whole system makes sense, now thanks alot!