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Problem updating to 2.1.3

  • @dnbrawler


    After updating, 70% of my site (buddypress+bbpress pages) are not functioning. I want to revert back to 2.1.2, the error that occurs is Class ‘BBP_Theme_Compat’ not found in /site url/themes/ExampleTheme/Functions.php on line 858.

    I would like to revert to 2.1.2, can someone provide a download to it please.

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  • @andrejcarter




    Do you have any more detailed information on what might be causing the problem?

    If we know what theme you are using, what versions of BuddyPress & WordPress you are using, a link to your site and any plugins that maybe causing a conflict we can try and find out what cause of the error is rather than you reverting to the older version.



    Just got exactly the same issue whilst updating today. Fatal error: Class ‘BBP_Theme_Compat’ not found in …/wp-content/themes/***/functions.php on line 32

    I had just updated to bbPress 2.1.3
    – Using WordPress 3.4.2
    – ‘toolbox‘ theme
    – a child theme which was a clone of bbPress 2.0 standard theme

    Line 32 of my functions.php reads if ( ! function_exists( 'toolbox_setup' ) )



    Just a heads up, I’ve been reading this and similar posts and I can’t find a solid solution.

    I can confirm I wasn’t updating anything other than bbPress and I do not have BuddyPress installed nor any other plugins conflicting.

    Any help will be much appreciated!



    Unclear why the theme would have BBP_Theme_Compat code in it? It certainly doesn’t come with the Toolbox theme.

    I just tested bbPress 2.1.3 and:

    * Works fine with Toolbox, out of the box.
    * Works with with BuddyPress.
    * Works fine without BuddyPress.

    If you made modifications to Toolbox, or have some custom code in a child theme of Toolbox, that’s likely the cause, though I don’t see how 2.1.3 is the problem, unless you modified files in the bbPress plugin yourself.



    Sorry John, my mistake whilst in a panic: it is the child theme’s function.php which is causing the error, the line: class BBP_Twenty_Ten extends BBP_Theme_Compat

    I have custom code in the main theme function file, but not the child. Strange that I have been updating bbPress fine with that exact same custom code during the past two updates.

    Another forum post of interest. Could it be related to a priority issue? I’m really not sure where to begin looking through my custom code – so any clues will help.

    I’ll keep digging and report if I can diagnose anything more.



    Probably best to wait until bbPress 2.2 comes out this week. It’s version of theme compatibility will address much of these complexities.



    Great news to hear about 2.2 and thanks for your support John. Unfortunately I’m working to a deadline, so I’m forced to use any temporary fix for now.

    From notes mentioned in threads above I followed these directions and have been able to re-move the fatal error…

    – Stripped out the entire BBP_Twenty_Ten class in my child’s functions.php file
    – Temporarily disabled the plugins folder by renaming it ‘plugins~’
    – Reload the admin page to get back on the dashboard
    – Rename the plugins folder back to its original ‘plugins’
    – Re-enabled the updated bbPress version on the Plugins page
    – Re-save my Permalinks and Forum settings



    I am looking forward for 2.2 as well! but when I try the truck it still won’t with buddypress very well, the edit function won’t work in sitewide forum nor group forum, I would really hope that it will work out , and current 2.2 truck deleted my group forum as well whenever I add a new topic, so i am a bit hesitate.



    John James Jacoby are you sure 2.1.3 works with buddypress? have you tried to edit topic and reply? Because even I upgraded to 2.1.3 it won’t work, and removed my group forum from the sitewide forum page as well.



    I foudn the problem, this is a conflict with transposh, a multilangual plugin, could be javascript problem? any one have the same experience?

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