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Problem going from bbpress 1.2 to 2.2.4

  • @xiiizen


    Hi there folks!

    This has been frustrating, my forum used to be an stand alone version 1.0.2

    As suggested in another tread, I updated first to 1.2, that process went smoothly, so I thought I was close to victory, but so far it still eludes me!

    Each time i try to import the old forums using the 2.2.4 forum import function with my DB Name, DB User, DB Pass, DB prefix (default bb_) , it runs the process smoothly saying there is no users to import, no forums to import and so on.

    Is there a step I may be missing?

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  • @xiiizen


    Ok I managed to move a step forward, it seems on Media Temple you need to select their DB host. Anyway, now I get this one:

    WordPress database error: [Table ‘db9999_DBNAME.bb_members’ doesn’t exist]
    SELECT convert(members.member_id USING “utf8”) AS member_id,convert(members.members_pass_hash USING “utf8”) AS members_pass_hash,convert(members.members_pass_salt USING “utf8”) AS members_pass_salt,convert( USING “utf8”) AS name,convert( USING “utf8”) AS email,convert(members.joined USING “utf8”) AS joined FROM bb_members AS members LIMIT 0, 100

    any clues?



    Solved! And finally the import is just as awesome as promised. 🙂

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