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Presentation Admin panel not showing

  • @amylmc


    I have read what’s available on this topic. I am logged in as admin and keymaster is selected in my profile. I still cannot see a Presentation Panel in the Dashboard and I would like to activate a theme I’ve add to my-templates in the bbpress root. Can someone please help me troubleshoot?

    thank you.

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  • @chrishajer


    What are the permissions on the my-templates folder, and the template folders inside that folder? They should be 0755, but bbPress was creating them with the wrong permissions in the past. Maybe it’s a permissions problem.



    I changed all the permission to 755. I still cannot see the presentation option, therefore I can’t control the look of the site at all. Any more suggestions?




    Can you do everything else in the admin?

    What are you trying to do exactly in the admin? Just activate a new template?



    I uploaded a template called Green Night into my my-templates folder as ‘themes and templates’ recommends. I would like to apply it.

    I am new to bbpress, so I’m unsure what all admin should be able to do… but do not have any options under appearance, there is not pull down menu.



    I’d really like to get this resolved. Does anyone have a suggestion as to how I can see the Presentation portion of the admin panel? thanks in advance.



    Hello, I’ve had the same problem today with a fresh installation of bbPress and WordPress.

    I found the solution changing the root nicname, not called admin.

    The nicname of bbpress was not like in wordpress despite having given correctly in the installation.



    Great. Can you tell me where to make that change?



    Open your database, search table “wp_usermeta”, check meta_key “nicname” and change “meta_value” to your nicname for user admin in wordpress.

    This was the problem in my case. I hope help you

    Sorry for my english :(



    amylmc – does your dashboard look like this?

    If it doesn’t, then the user you’re logging in as is not the keymaster and does not have all the proper permissions.



    Yes. My dashboard looks like that. But I can’t see or activate new themes I’ve uploaded per the directions on the site. I can’t make color changes or change the look at all.



    If you can see all that then you probably ARE logged in as keymaster with the right permissions, which is good.

    So, what happens when you click on the “Change Theme” button on the right of the dashboard? What do you see (screenshot please)?



    Thanks. I finally got it worked out. The site I was using themes from wasn’t uploading into my ftp site correctly. I found another site that had some themes and they uploaded fine.

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