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Posts from blog closed on forum

  • spicycauldron


    Posts I make to my blog until today showed up thanks to the bbpress post plugin on my forums. Now they’re posting to the forums but closed from the outset so nobody can comment on them.

    If I click on ‘close topic’ it changes to ‘open topic’ but remains closed. Click it again, it goes back to ‘close topic’ and, again, stays closed.

    Does anyone have a fix, please?

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  • I would go ask over in the plugin forums at:

    I would imagine that the newest version should help you out.




    I’ve got the newest version, but thank you. I will head over there.

    I would like to help, just don’t know what would be wrong. I might even suggest going backwards to a release previous as I still am using 0.3 or something and it works fine even with the latest TRAC. Might just be a bug….


    Check and see why it is doing that. I had a similar problem whenever I would post a reply on a topic, and again when my pagination was different than the pagination in the “Topic Pages plugin.” It would say the forum was closed, even though it wasn’t.

    The problem there was that it was looking for a page/post that was beyond the actual page/post count. If that’s the case, it might have something to do with the link to the topic. On your influx of dreams post I was able to get a Topic Closed message by adding &page=2 to the end of the URL.

    I’m not saying that’s the problem, but maybe that will give you a place to start.

    I might also suggest to the BBP gods that it would be nice to find a solution so that if a user jumps beyond the current number of pages/posts/topics/whatever, it would display the last activity in that topic instead of the Topic Closed message.



    I have the same problem of spicycauld, but I have not understood as I can resolve it.

    You can help me?

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