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Post Count Incorrect, Repair Tools Don't Fix the Problem.

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  • @j0n4h


    So here’s what I’ve tried thus far. Deactivated all bbpress plugins, deactivated my child theme, flushed cache, deactivated Akismet, deactivated and deleted all cache plugins. After each of these things, I retried repairing via Tools>Forums, again to no avail.

    Still looking for help. Thanks.



    @robkk I get that you’re all busy during the holidays, just hoping this post didn’t slip through the cracks. Pretty desperate on this one, since post count is a fundamental feature. :/ Thanks!



    @j0n4h – what are you using to show the post count?



    Is it not a default feature? When I installed bbpress, it was already a feature from the start. I’ve contacted my Theme dev and they said:

    Hey Jonah,

    I’m not aware of Avada touching the post count code at all. I can see you have a thread open over at the bbPress forum:

    Post Count Incorrect, Repair Tools Don't Fix the Problem.

    I think it would be best to see what they have to say. Hopefully we can use the information they provide to find where the issue is coming from.






    I am using the loop-forums.php that’s provided on github for the hierarchicalloop-forums.php forum layout, if maybe that’s it?



    no it isn’t a default, I have a plugin that does this

    what other plugins are you using?



    I originally deactivated all the plugins, but I have:

      bbPress – Private Replies
      bbPress – Report Content
      bbPress Enable TinyMCE Visual Tab
      bbPress Pencil Unread
      BuddyPress (would that affect it?)
      GD bbPress Attachments
      GD bbPress Tools

    They’re active again, however. I also have Fusion Core (the theme’s plugin, which they claim is not the problem). I reactivated Akismet, but deleted entirely the cache plugins.




    I’ve since installed the plugin you mention and that works, but it shows the correct value beneath the incorrect value.



    ok, the post count is being out in by something called the bbps ranking system

    the line in the browser comes out as

    <div class=”bbps-post-count”>Post count: 0</div>

    The only reference I can find to this is in this topic

    (CSS Review Needed) Switching poster picture and link to UserPro

    where the plugin author talks about adding different bbpress templates, which add this line – in the example in the link above it shows as

    <div class="bbps-post-count"><?php printf( __( 'Post count: %s', 'Avada' ), bbp_get_user_reply_count_raw(bbp_get_reply_author_id()) ); ?></div>

    which of course references the avada theme !!!

    If Avada hasn’t asked you to change bbpress files, then I suspect that they might be using the same hook I use to make this appear – suggest you refer Avada back to this post, and ask then if they have a hook to

    do_action (‘bbp_theme_after_reply_author_details’) or can explain why that line appears




    I am using the loop-forums.php that’s provided on github for the hierarchicalloop-forums.php forum layout, if maybe that’s it?

    that file is not causing the issue.

    the file only affects the forum archive section , not the post count in the replies loop.

    the post count below the avatar is rendered because of the theme, you can see it on there bbPress forum demo on their site.

    contact your theme author and maybe tell them that there is a bug , or ask them how to remove their function for their post count so that you can just use Robin’s plugin.




    It would be nice to know that you got this resolved



    Sorry for the late response! So, it was in fact a bug in the Avada theme code. Because of this, they just manually fixed it for me and are including the fix in their next patch, so hopefully it won’t happen to users in the future.

    Their Dev response:

    We have customized template files in the theme and there was a bug where Post count was not adding topic count on top of reply count which is what I have changed for you.

    Anyways, I have fixed the post count issue for you and it will also be fixed in the next version of Avada.



    great – thanks for posting back !!



    Hi Guys
    I presume that this was not fixed as I too have the same issue and am using Avada

    Frustrating especially as Avada recommended BBpress

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