Plugin: Simple Onlinelist
I really missed an onlinelist in bbpress, so i made a simple one myself. Dont expect anything special, it just tells who was online over the past 5 minutes.
Download it here.
See a demo here. (Login use: Test / test)
To Display the online list simply add
wherever you want it in your template.Additional Features:
– Last online time on profile page:
– Current online users as number:
Great plugin, if you made this one AJAXED it would be even greater!
PS: it just tells who was online over the past 5 minutes. This is not true, it only shows te persons currently online, which is good!
Would be nice to add total guests too
“PS: it just tells who was online over the past 5 minutes. This is not true, it only shows te persons currently online, which is good!”
– If the user clicks on Logout, otherwise he will disappear after 5 minutes.
“Would be nice to add total guests too”
– Good idea … i’ll give it a try
“Great plugin, if you made this one AJAXED it would be even greater!”
– Thought about it, but this would be easer to realize with next version of bbpress (current version only loads bb_head() when topic is displayed)
Thx for your critique.
It seems, for some reason, the plugin looks for a table entry that isn’t in my database. Am I just supposed to add it? It seems to be called “tableprefix_online”
I’m about to add _online into my database by hand, just didn’t know if that was on purpose or if I missed something
the *first* time after you’ve installed the plugin, it will display this error, but then the table will be added automatically and there shouldn’t be any errors any more
Oh, mine didn’t do that
I had to create the tables myself. Once I created them, though, the plugin rocks
Saved me some time certainly b/c it was on my list of plugins to write.
i have a slight problem…
i added the entry to my DB by hand but then i dont know where exactly i should exactly add the code…
thx for your help!
It’s your choice where you put ‘show_online_users()’ in your template. I suggest the following way if you use default theme:
– open bb-templates/front-page.php
– search for line 5 – 8:
<div id="hottags">
<h2><?php _e('Hot Tags'); ?></h2>
<p class="frontpageheatmap"><?php tag_heat_map(); ?>
– replace with:
<div id="hottags">
<h2><?php _e('Hot Tags'); ?></h2>
<p class="frontpageheatmap"><?php tag_heat_map(); ?>
<h2><?php _e('Online'); ?></h2>
<?php show_online_users(); ?>
– save as my-templates/front-page.php
I’ll fix the database setup and some other things as fast as i can
#edit: new version up, feel free to try it out
thanks a lot! it works now…
Great Plugin thanks
Any progress about:
“Would be nice to add total guests too”
– Good idea … i’ll give it a try
“Great plugin, if you made this one AJAXED it would be even greater!”
– Thought about it, but this would be easer to realize with next version of bbpress (current version only loads bb_head() when topic is displayed)
I donno, the current structure of the plugin makes adding guests a bit complicated, but i’ll give my best … im not the fastest guy.
Ajaxed is something even bigger for the future, sorry.
New Version:
(Better online_update on mysql 4.1 and greater. Will work with old Versions anyway! )
i get this error with the new version:
Fatal error: Call to a member function query() on a non-object in /srv/www/httpd/phost/c/com/pytalhost/cessi/web/bbpress/my-plugins/onlinelist.php on line 26
when I installed the plugin it had my user online when I was testing it. After 5 minutes it said no one was online. I was still logged in and started viewing posts. It remained with saying that I was not online.
If I then logout and login again, it still says no one is online. If I drop the table in the database and go back to the main page, it says I am online for 5 minutes and then goes back to saying no one again.
What am I doing wrong or is this an error?
I am testing the new version. You should know that line 26 of the plugin has a syntax error that needs fixing. Change from:
Same problem with the new version. If I logout it goes to no members online and stays there even if I log back in. I have mySQL 4.1.21
it also does not work properly for me. sometimes it there are twice, three or more times the same members listed…
ehm … sorry guys, i didn’t test the new function because i’m running mysql 4.0… on my site. I fixed the $bbdb and added the following config-var:
$mysql41 = true;
If you have any problems simply set to false and it should work well.
Download here:
Hmm….I don’t have that var in that download Thomas….
The URL is actually
ehhhm. sorry but the “$bbdb-Error” still exists. there is no change at all…
EDiT: ahhh. now i see. you linked to the wrong file. the one which should work is here:
I still don’t my online status update with that var true or false. Any ideas?
Ah … sorry for that wrong link -.-“
Trent … i have no idea at the moment. did this plugin work anytime before? … which version of bbpress are you using? …
I have tried it on the latest TRAC version as well as a normal 0.73 version and neither works. Unfortunetely, I never tried it on 0.72 so I don’t know if it ever would have worked. I will try on my other server and see what happens.
i have the problem that e.g. my username is displayed more than once… actually 23 times. how do i solve this?!
Have you set the $mysql41 to false? … Try deleting the whole table in the database.
i deleted the whole table and now it seems to work. thx a lot!
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