WP version 4.5.3
Theme Zippy Courses Theme 1.0.4
PHP version 5.5.32
bbPress version 2.5.10-6063
Hi again,
I got the plugin translated to es_ES by updating language files in WP and it worked partially, as some strings appear in english even if they are translated in the .mo file.
For instance:
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Does anyone have the same problem? Thanks a lot!!
Thanks for your help!
I have deleted .po/.mo files so the plugin is untranslated:
Then, I have updated translations automatically through wordpress and this is the result:
The strings I indicated before remain untranslated, as well as the form strings in the screenshot. You can see some strings are translated an some are not. I know the language file contains all the translations but somehow the plugin insn’t finding them all.
I have no ideas…
Thanks for the screenshots, they are a big help 
The “before” screenshot has lots of untranslated strings, Topic
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Wheres most of the above are now translated in your “after” screenshot, I see 4 strings untranslated though: Reply to
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Those 4 strings all appear to be translated correctly, e.g https://translate.wordpress.org/projects/wp-plugins/bbpress/stable/es/default?filters%5Bstatus%5D=either&filters%5Boriginal_id%5D=93987&filters%5Btranslation_id%5D=3551506
p.s. Spam
isn’t translated, Spam appears to be Spam in any language 
I’ll dig around some more and see what I can find
I just setup a new site with WP 4.5.3 and bbPress 2.5.10 es_ES
Everything is translated for me: https://cloudup.com/ckbF2DGSPEl
Does the theme you are using include custom bbPress templates?
It looks like there might be an issue with the file form-reply.php
The file can be found in: templates/default/bbpress/form-reply.php
It should match: https://bbpress.trac.wordpress.org/browser/tags/2.5.10/templates/default/bbpress/form-reply.php
Can you check the above for me please?
I appreciate your help, thanks!
I have compared the files and they match. I can see it is working in your installation so I think there might be a problem with Zippy courses integration. They say in their documentation that their theme/plugin integrates with bbpress. I am writing them and I tell you.
You might also be able to look yourself. In the zippy theme directory, e.g. wp-content/themes/zippy
you might find a bbpress
folder with some bbPress templates located inside, if that is the case then maybe the Zippy version of form-reply.php
is out of date.
Problem solved! I have contacted Zippy courses, it was the theme translation. The theme overrides bbpress plugin translations so it must be translated itself.
I have updated the theme translation files and it works.
Thanks a lot!!
Awesome, glad you’re sorted…
Now I’ve just got to finish getting https://es.wordpress.org/support/ 100% translated