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Plugin css and database

  • Hi

    Testing the new plugin atm here but have alot of problems to get it to integrate with the theme.

    I tried to add the add_theme_support( ‘bbpress’ ); to my thmes function.php but that just make my forum disappear completely.

    Also is there a way to use my old database with the new plugin, i have and old bbpress forum with posts etc etc

    Cant find a database with the new plugin, maybe it doesn’t use one?


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  • @johnjamesjacoby


    Don’t use “add_theme_support()” unless your theme actually supports it. :)

    add_theme_support() doesn’t automatically add bbPress support to your theme, but the opposite – it tells WordPress and bbPress that your theme already supports bbPress. If you don’t have a /bbpress folder in your theme full of bbPress template files, then your theme does not support bbPress.

    There isn’t a core updater yet, but there will be soon. These questions are all answered numerous times in the sticky topic at the front of these forums.



    Don’t use “add_theme_support()” unless your theme actually supports it. :)

    add_theme_support() doesn’t automatically add bbPress support to your theme, but the opposite – it tells WordPress and bbPress that your theme already supports bbPress. If you don’t have a /bbpress folder in your theme full of bbPress template files, then your theme does not support bbPress.

    There isn’t a core updater yet, but there will be soon. These questions are all answered numerous times in the sticky topic at the front of these forums.

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