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PHPbb3 convert to BBpress wrong Authors

  • @lantaarntje



    At the moment i have a WP 3.8 site with a PHPbb3 forum which is bridged by WPunited but i want to convert my PHPbb3 to BBpress. I ran the converter of BBpress 2.5.2 and everything was converted nicely but there’s only 1 problem: the topics have the wrong authors.

    It looks like the conversion of the Authors broke down 🙁 . I did Repair after conversion.

    Someone recognize this? and is there a solution?

    Grt Lantaarntje

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  • @netweb


    I haven’t come across this situation before as I have never used the WP United bridge.

    I suspect it is because of the now shared users, presumably how the users are getting mapped presumably WordPress users.

    If you are able to get all your users correctly mapped in the phpBB user table that should give you a workable import scenario.

    Is there a way to have WP United readd all the WordPress users back into the phpBB table?
    (Kind of like an uninstall of WP United it restores everything back to standard)



    Dear Stephen.

    That did the trick – i disabled WP United and topics has the right authors but other problems occur:

    * I can’t log out anymore – you can push the button logout but nothing happens. When you refresh – Login Screen appear. strange! – I use Buddpress & BBpress. Tempate Default Buddypress template. Before forum conversion did was still operating well.
    * When you make a reply to a topic – all the BBcodes buttons are gone.



    Little addition – After the conversion all phpbusers are imported as imported_username so i need to edit these users -> delete imported_user with the option to move all topics/replies to the original users.



    Little update:

    The logout issue is resolved by removing the cookies.

    About the toolbar not showing it seems that qt_bbp_reply_content_toolbar is not showing.



    users -> delete imported_user with the option to move all topics/replies to the original users.

    Just go to your WordPress Admin Dashboard and select the the ‘imported_username’ and click delete, then select the ‘username’ from the dropdown.

    When bbPress does the import if a user already exists then it will be created with the prefix imported_ as part of the username.

    Typically this happens after doing the import a couple of times without previously having deleted the imported users.

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