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Participants can’t insert topics.

  • @spolaorso


    Keymasters and Moderators can do it but for partecipants ther is no way to insert a new topic.
    I’ve tryed all ways: changing themes, disactivating plugins, but the problem still not solved.
    I’m using WordPress 4.8 with theme RepublicPro, BuddyPress 2.8.2, bbPress 2.5.12
    The site is
    Any help will be appreciated.

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  • @robin-w


    are you trying at the back end or front end?



    I will be happy to solve the back end issue right now.
    Anyway the front-end level, at the moment is even worse, keymaster and moderators either, don’t see any way to insert new topics from the forum page.
    But, as I stated before, I would be very glad to solve the matter at the back-end level, at first.
    Here see from the top bar of the back-end and from Forum Page:
    New_Topics_allowed_only_for_Keymasters and Moderators, not Partecipants
    And here see from the dashboard menu:
    From the dashboard, New Topics are allowed only to Keymaster and Moderators, No Partecipants

    And here a secial whish:
    a wish



    By reading again my previous post, I realized that it may generate confusion when I stated that Participants can not see “New Topics” voice.
    The Participants can’t see either the Forum menu and either the Topics (Discussioni) menu
    Both voices: Forum and Topics, do not appear to Partecipants



    bbpress is not designed for backend use by ordinary users – the backend is really for administration, so participants don’t get this area.

    New topics are shown below the forum list, or by creating a page and using one of the shortcodes

    [bbp-topic-form] – Display the ‘New Topic’ form where you can choose from a drop down menu the forum that this topic is to be associated with.
    [bbp-topic-form forum_id=$forum_id] – Display the ‘New Topic Form’ for a specific forum ID.

    or by adding a button, such as in the style pack plugin

    bbp style pack



    Thanks alot for your help.



    no problem !

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