bbPress Forums are limited to 50 forums, you should use some categories…
HI Stephen,
yes i am already created forums under category and my forum structure like below and also same manner i am listing on page. but i am not able to set pagination. i am new to bbpress so please give me some suggestion.
category A
-forum A1
-forum A2
category B
-forum B1
-forum B2.
hi everyone.
please help me to set out pagination in case of forum. i have total 30 forums and i want to set 5 forum per page but i am not able to set Pagination. Please give me some suggestion
Add the following to your functions.php
function custom_bbp_list_forums() {
$args['separator'] = '<br />';
return $args;
add_filter('bbp_before_list_forums_parse_args', 'custom_bbp_list_forums' );
That will result in something like this, depending on your themes styles:

HI Stephen,
I am already got above interface. i have same kind of structure but i want set pagination on this kind of listing becuase i have more then 20 category, underneath i am listing 15 forums. also one thing when user click on “fgiyhfhjx” on that page i am listing forums.
So you want “Page 1”, “Page 2” etc? Currently bbPress forums do not support any form of pagination like that.
Reorganizing your category and forums structure is a much better idea, you won’t find many forums on the internet with their forums setup with that much fragmentation and is one of the reasons bbPress has not spent the time adding pagination to forums.
hi Stephen,
thanks for reply. yes i want this kind of pagination (“Page 1″, “Page 2″ etc). there is no other custom code for pagination or ajax based loading data. This kind of pagination required on my site because lots of data so i am separate out using categorywise. bbpress have great features so i used it on my site. but i am little disappointed just becusee of forum pagination.
As I said, you alot of forum software that has pagination for the categories/forums.
This is why the time has not been spent adding this into bbPress, most of the time it is not needed.
What you should do is organize more “top level” categories if that’s what it takes.
category A
– sub-category A1
— forum AA1
— forum AA2
category B
— sub-category B1
— forum BB1
— forum BB2
Hi Stephen,
Can You tell me which forum software that has pagination for the categories/forums? I have no idea about much in wordpress so.
I cannot think of any, it’s just a bad user experience to make users search through pages of categories and/or forums to find the one they want to read or post in.