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Pagination issue when using shortcode [bbp-single-forum]

  • @maksanse


    Hello !

    I am using the [bbp-single-forum] shortcode to display a topic in a page. But when I click on the pagination link (for example to go the the 2nd page), the links is not correct and I go to “not found page”.

    Those links work correctly on the forum. It is only on page with shortcode that I got that issue.

    Am I the only one to face that issue ?

    PS : Sorry I can’t provide URL to see the issue because this forum is private on my training website :s

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  • @maksanse


    Does anyone use shortcode here and has the same issue ?


    Keymaster uses shortcodes on a few archive pages, but in a way where the pagination links already naturally match the permalink & slug structure.

    Can you reply and include an anonymized version of the pagination structure that you’re seeing?



    Hello John,
    Thank you for your answer !
    Here is a small video to show you my issue :

    I think the issue comes from my LearnDash plugin because the pages where I include the shortcodes are handled by LearnDash.

    Here is for example an anonymized url where the shortcode doesn’t work as expected:

    The “page/2/” added to the url when cliking to the link ( doesn’t go to the wanted page, it create an error 404.

    The best that could happen here would be to be able to link the pagination buttons to the dedicated forum page, but I don’t know if it is possible…

    Best regards and thank you for your help!



    Hi ! Did you have a chance to take a look ?



    Up please 🙏



    Can you please give a hand with this issue above please ? 🙏



    Is there a way someone can see your forums directly? I can’t duplicate the problem as you’re describing it, and seeing your site in action is really the quickest way to see everything.



    Hello John,

    I was doing you a staging site to test that behavior, and I realized this issue is related to Learndash plugin (the [bbp-single-forum] is included in learndash page, and that is what make the pagination links fail).

    So I assume you cannot handle this (and I just used some css trick to make the page numbers disappear on learndash pages for my case…).

    Sorry for the noise then… 😐

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