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Pagination for Forums Listing

  • @robmcclel


    Team bbPress,

    I run a site using BuddyPress and there are forums enabled for the individual groups,of which there are several hundred. How do I enable pagination on the forum index to allow for users to scroll through and find everything? It only lists 20% of the books on the main forum page, and I see no settings to enable pagination.


    Forum Link:

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  • @robkk


    Add this php function to your child themes functions.php file or in a plugin like functionality to increase the total ammount of forums in the page. It may also be better to just show the Topics by Freshness in the forum root instead by setting it in Settings > Forums.

    function rkk_increase_forum_per_page( $args ) {
        $args['posts_per_page'] = get_option( '_bbp_forums_per_page', 150 );
      return $args;
    add_filter( 'bbp_before_has_forums_parse_args', 'rkk_increase_forum_per_page' );




    Thanks for the snippet, but will that add pagination or just put more forums on the page?

    I’m serious — there are over 480 books in the system so far, and nearly every one has a forum. The goal, of course, is to have tens of thousands of books in the system. I don’t think adding more forums to the page is a viable solution.

    I don’t want to just list the topics, as part of this system is to provide specific forums for specific authors, genres, and books. A topic list means those forums will be very difficult to find and reference — again, we’re talking about potentially large amounts of actual forums, not topics.

    BuddyPress adds the book/group forums to the listing on it’s own — I don’t set them in the Forums settings. When they are added, they are placed in order alphabetically by BuddyPres into the forum list.

    I’d love to come up with some kind of awesome method to self organize all of these books, but that is unlikely to happen given the many restraints. Most access the forums through the individual groups, but some come to the central index page. Pagination is the least that can be done to make them visible.

    How can I paginate the actual forum listing?



    Thanks for the snippet, but will that add pagination or just put more forums on the page?

    There is no pagination for the forum archive page. There is this, but it outputs pagination for a single forum page.

    <?php bbp_forum_pagination_links(); ?>

    I might have to create a ticket to possibly add this in the future.

    I’d love to come up with some kind of awesome method to self organize all of these books, but that is unlikely to happen given the many restraints.

    I was thinking a better tagging system might help, but yeah.



    Adding the snippet should at least help you with the pagination on the books-2 forum I think.
    For the index, you might have to rethink it a bit, probably creating a different forum index page because I suppose your main categories of General,Author,Dedicated,Genre,Books will remain.
    Anyway with that many books, I would put more attention to search possibilities then to the listing.



    Here is the ticket for forums pagination.

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