Hello webism,
I dont think this is possible for the moment.
Perhaps this feature can be added in the future?
But what do you mean at the top of the list? Do you mean on the Forum page?
You can choose the order than forums appear in by giving them an Order value. I usually give mine order values like 10, 20, 30, 40 so that if I add another forum later I don’t have to reorder them I can just add order 25 to put it in between 2 existing forums.

I don’t think there’s an easy way to have forums change order by activity but if activity is important to you then you should consider having Latest Topics as your default view instead of categories (like https://bbpress.org/forums/).
How about Topics? Is there a way to have a fixed order for them? Thanks in advance!
Yes, ordering sub-forums by number of topics and/or replies would be very nice.
Anyone has something to do that?
That would be great to include in the next release! 😉