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OpenID for bbpress

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  • @howtogeek


    This would be an excellent addition to bbPress. Hopefully somebody has lots of free time to work on this!



    I wonder if I force all my bbpress logins through wordpress if I can just use that openid plugin there and it will work on bbpress…

    only one way to find out I guess…



    I’m looking at how openid is done and I think I’ll make the login even more simple for users – I’ll let them choose from like the top five or ten providers in a dropdown, ie.

    1. aol

    2. livejournal

    3. wordpress

    4. ??

    5. ??

    and then tell then to enter their username on that service – that way they don’t need to figure out it’s



    Apparently there is a $5000 bounty for putting openid into a project? So the bbpress folks could claim that possibly and get some headlines:



    Too bad Google also has it’s own API and doesn’t do openid (yet?)

    But in theory bbpress could be made to use google identities… interesting….



    If you integrate bbpress and wordpress.. you can use openID plugin for google on bbpress as you will be sharing the users from wordpress on bbpress..



    There are some very specific requirements to claim one of those OpenID bounties. bbPress doesn’t have enough users to qualify.

    Currently I can’t imagine bbPress getting native OpenID support, so a plugin is your best bet.

    I’m happy to help with the plugin, I’m pretty familiar with bbPress’ authentication routines.



    A plugin would be best I think.



    Did anyone find that you could piggyback onto the WordPress integration/authentication when using the OpenID plugin? It didn’t work for me. I had the plugin activated on my WordPress site and was able to login and create users just fine, but bbPress didn’t know about the credentials and wouldn’t login.

    I need to get more familiar with how the integration is working – I thought it would work fine since it created a normal WordPress user record. But it kept saying the userid was unknown… Will probably dig into it later. The WP plugin is great – the persona fill in stuff is very cool. Only quirk was my ‘Display As’ defaulted to the userid even though a name was included. But I digress.



    I have now put together some basic code which successfully interacts with OpenID servers.

    Unlike other solutions it doesn’t requires any other libraries or special languages/features on the server other than CURL support (with SSL) which is fairly common.

    Unfortunately during this time OpenID has upgraded to 2.0 and certain providers like Yahoo will only accept 2.0 queries and not 1.1 which is all the code can handle.

    But if there is any serious interest, I could get bbPress to accept openid from which continue to allow 1.1



    Why doesn’t bbPress allow to login users already logged to WP? I can see them in the list of my forum users ( e.g.). But when I try to login, bb-login.php strips the dot and login name becomes “a-bishopcom”.



    @ __ck__: I was planning on tackling this, since I just love OpenID. But it would be nice to also offer support for phpMyID ( That’s what I use to make my own domain, my openID.



    I’ve now made an early 0.0.1 openid plugin available:



    This plug-in works great, I just wish users could register via OpenID. I think your plug-in does allow this now, however, I use wordpress for registrations because I’m able to make a custom registration e-mail and it’s simpler and more sleek than the bbpress registration.

    If only there was a way to make a wordpress OpenID plugin that would play nice with your bbpress OpenID plugin. So, users could register with OpenID using the wordpress registration page, then login with either the wordpress login page or the bbpress login page using OpenID.

    Because of my set up I always have weird requests since again, I use wordpress for registrations and bbpress for log ins. 8 |



    People can register via my OpenID plugin, it’s just your install where you cannot.

    You can disable the registration on one side or the other and force all registration though WP or bb as desired.



    This WordPress plugin supports BuddyPress and provides login through multiple OpenID providers.

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