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  • @kevinjohngallagher


    I’ll tell you what I like about this, more than any other theme I’ve seen here in about a year. You’ve not just changed the header image and the text colour and called it a new theme.

    I think it looks great, well done!!



    Killer bbpress layout. Congrats!

    Anyone want to release that kind of structure to a bbpress theme?



    I doubt anyone needs to release it as a theme, it’s just a custom front page (although a good one for sure).

    It just loops through Categories / Forums and then outputs the last topic and last post for each forum with it’s gravatar next to it. The code to do it yourself is already in front-page.php

    ( I say that without taking away from the excellent work done by lukepuuk and others on the theme )

    Exit mate, If you want your bbPress to be/act different than all the others, you’ll have to change more than the CSS/Background. But realistically you don’t need much/any plugins to enable your forum to be unique while staying cool and usable :)



    Credits go to for design and for implementation. I’m just the owner.



    Lovely of you to give them some credit Luke, my hats off to both of them!

    I’m hoping that more people look at your site and see that not every bbPress forum needs to look/work the same



    Hi guys

    Thanks for the kind words. We are also very happy with the implementation and there is more to come.

    The hardest part in this project was migrating the 2 million forum posts from phpBB to bbPress.

    Don’t hesitate to ask us any questions on how we did this.





    a killer theme guys, respect!

    anyway, i’m curious on how you was able to get it work with the last poster and last topic avatar for front-page.php.

    i’ve already tried it months ago with <?php post_author_avatar(); ?> between td’s but for some reason i get the same static gravatar for all users.

    thank’s in advance.



    Hi Johnny,

    You need to pass the user id into the avatar function.

    I’m not near my code righ tnow, but you’re looking at something like this:




    hey kevin,

    thank you for stepping in with a helping hand, i appreciate that a lot.

    but i had sadly though luck with your code so far.




    sorry mate, rushed off my feet tonight, try this:

    bb_get_avatar( $user->ID, '48');

    Is the code you’re looking for.

    In order to get it to display the last poster you’ll need this:

    bb_get_avatar( $topic->topic_last_post_id , '48');

    Usual disclaimer, i’m guessing at this code. Just annoyed I forgot to add the “bb_” when telling you this morning, sorry.



    hey kevin,

    there is really nothing to be sorry about, no stress, i’m already glad and thankful for the help you offer.

    i’ve tried your code and i had still bad luck, but i’m going experiment with your code snippet tonight, i bet it’s probably an incorrect structure in my theme or something like that, but i keep trying :)



    Ok mate, first thing to test is, if you specify an ID, do you get an image.

    eg: bb_get_avatar(1);

    If so, aweosome. then we’ve narrowed down the problem to the ID we’re passing.

    i’d also add this line:

    echo $topic->topic_last_post_id;

    and see what that outputs. (should be a number).



    so the echo $topic->topic_last_post_id; string worked, i’ll get some i’d s like 1075, 1071, 1065 etcetera, but still no pictures the other way around, is there probably also a problem because i’m on localhost?



    Dude, blame sleep on my part. Add an echo

    echo bb_get_avatar( $topic->topic_last_post_id , '48');



    i’ve echoed already everything before, but still whammy :D



    Hello i was just playing around with this a little bit and i have to say i have ZERO .php skills i only look and compare lines to each other..

    But i think i have found the problem for showing the (right) avatars.

    First i did this what Kevin told us.

    echo bb_get_avatar( $topic->topic_last_post_id , ’48’);

    But i got only a basic image and all the same basic avatars..

    So i looked at who bbPress did post the user name of the last poster in the topic and i see this.

    <?php topic_last_poster(); ?>

    So i thought lets try to change _post_id into _poster and it worked for me with this line.

    <?php echo bb_get_avatar( $topic->topic_last_poster , ’48’); ?>



    i would like to see some of it! keep us posted! cheerz!



    Wonderful design!

    Quick question. Has anyone integrated bbpress into an independent stand-alone web -app? Integration that would allow the user to flow seamlessly between the app and bbpress?




    This is a gorgeous looking forum site! Is it running bbPress 2?

    @netweb if you read this, I tried checking the source but this one didn’t have bbpress in it. Got any other tricks up your sleeve? Well, the permalinks, the anchors, the widgets.., it all points towards bbPress 2, so I’m gonna go ahead and add it to the examples page.

    • This reply was modified 12 years, 7 months ago by Erlend.
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