new forum? old forum stopped working? converted forum? just started happening? been happening for ages ? what have you upgraded?
Sorry, there are multiple forums (50 plus) that are a few years old. All of them are doing the same thing, parent forums as well as sub-forums. I also have group forums in buddypress that are doing the same thing. None of them are showing the topics or replies, all are public. I dont know how long they have not been working, I just found out about them so no way to pinpoint any changes that triggered it.
ok, I think you should try 3 things
1. reset permalinks – I doubt it is this, but always an easy first thing
Dashboard>settings>permalinks and just click save – this resets them
2. try and run repair
Dashboard>tools>forums>repair forums and run one at a time
3. If those 2 fail, the it may well be an update problem, so I’m afraid you’ll need to try this
Deactivate all but bbpress and see if this fixes. if it does, re-enable one at a time to see which is causing the error.
If plugins don’t pinpoint the problem, as a test switch to a default theme such as twentyfifteen, and see if this fixes.
Then come back
I have actually tried all of these other than the theme, but the theme has been all along with no updates and has worked. I will keep searching.
I just came across this plugin:
I installed it and it works! I tried the #2 and it didn’t work, but this one does.
hmmm – that’s one I wrote, great that it works, but if it was working before then an update to theme or a plugin will be the cause, but as that fixes no further investigation needed !