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Notifications not working

  • @aikichick2012


    Hello there,

    I installed bbpress a couple of months ago on my wordpress website and have only recently noticed that I never get any notifications by email, like when a new topic is created, a new comment was made in the forum or if a new user registered for the forum. In “settings” the box for notifications is checked. Other users donΒ΄t get notifications, either.

    I have installed AsynCRONous bbPress Subscriptions (a solition that seems to have worked for some people here), but it is still not working πŸ™

    I use wordpress 4.2.4 and bbress 2.5.8

    Could it be a problem with other plugins I use, such as wp spamshield?

    I am not a programmer or developer, so my knowledge is limited, I am afraid… πŸ™

    Thanks for any help,

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  • @bbc


    I have the dame problem for more then six months.
    I have disabled all plugins
    But still no email notifications
    So I will follow this post with interest
    I have the latest WordPress and the 2012 theme.
    Everything as clean as possible



    or if a new user registered for the forum

    Getting a notification for a new user registering is from the core of WordPress. If you do not seem to get any notification at all on your site, you may need to contact your host for help on this.

    Again if you do not seem to get any or some of these below notifications you may need to contact your host.

    New Comment / Comment Awaiting Moderation
    New Trackback
    New Pingback
    Lost Password
    New User Registration (For Admin)

    If you do get some, then we have to do more troubleshooting(which could possibly be a plugin issue) and some possible bug finding in bbPress.



    Hi aikichick2012,
    Do you get other notifications from wordpress (like the ones mentioned by Robkk) ? So are you getting other messages but not the ones from bbpress ?



    I am getting the same problem and this is clearly a massive one. I cannot get an email to work from the system at all. Horrible. If I cannot resolve, will move to another platform. Thought this was supposed to work seamlessly with wordpress. Not the first time I have seen it and it won’t be the last. Will watch this thread with interest. Maybe I will even get an email of a reply!



    Did you get notifications before ? Do you get any standard emails like for new user creation ?
    If you don’t get any emails at all, then bbpress is probably not to blame.
    Personally I had lot of issues since wp 4.3, but all issues were in the plugins handling smtp emails.
    PS. Did you get an email for this ?



    No. I just installed it and am running the latest version of wordpress. I have not used it before, but it seems rather clunky to be honest and I am no novice. This is the first site where I have required a forum, so it is not a good first impression. It has been around a long time and I am surprised it is so dodgy. The site on which I am using it is live, so I must a wait until later to try to deactivate several plugins, but I will let you know what happens after I do. I see a lot of replies on this and many plugin suggestions for something that should be very, very simple. I will wait and see.



    Well, to me it’s a strength to have such an open plugin where anybody can build extra blocks to do whatever he wants to obtain… For whatever is not in the core, somebody has probably already written something for it.
    Just post on this forum is the issue is about bbpress. If your problem is with an email plugin, better post on the forum on that plugin to be sure to get the correct help.



    thanks casiepa. i agree with you on open source, but that is a separate issue. if my comments were taken as slamming bbpress, that was not intended. i am just direct and make my comments based on the results i am getting. i do not have issue with anything else on the site and all other email notifications are working. on the other hand, it is worth noting that i believe i have isolated the problem. i will post here on the details if all tests work out correctly.




    Did you find out out what is causing the issue?



    Hi guys, I have a problem with my notification page so that I cannot see the list of notifications if I have for instance a couple of updates on my replies. Can anyone give me a hint where I should look into? (I guess it has something to do with my theme)




    Is the topic you are trying to subscribe to in a private forum/hidden forum, or is the topic closed/pending. You may not be able to see topics in your subscriptions list on your profile if that is the case. I am not 100% sure on this though.



    Thanks for ur reply! Honestly I dont understand ur reply well, maybe I did not explain my problem clear: ((I am developing a website and I used buddypress and bbpress.))

    When someone comments on my replies in ‘Activity’ page, I get notification for it which is the way it should be. So when I have, say 6, new comments on my replies I have a notification says u have 6 replies (…blablabla) which is OK. Then, I click on that notification and I will be directed to the ‘notifications’ page which is OK too. But the ‘notifications’ page shows nothing! It should show me a list of all the 6 replies!
    I appreciate if anyone help me where in my theme I should dig into, as I am sure it’s my theme problem.
    Thank you!



    I solved the problem, no worries! πŸ™‚



    FYI I had a problem a while ago when my notifications suddenly stopped. After many attempts to resolve this and nearly two weeks of struggling, I discovered the root problem was that my server host, Bluehost, was seeing my mail going to my other moderators (I have many different types of notifications by choice including the forum) as spam. They had blocked all outgoing mail, but had not informed me.

    It took multiple tech support chats to find one guy who was sympathetic and found the issue. However he didn’t have the power to resolve it right then and there. All my mail was being blocked by Bluehost.

    In the end, after weeks of struggling I got an email from Bluehost requesting that I submit all the names of the users that were approved to receive these notification emails and agreed that they really wanted to receive them. I had to sign a statement that said I was not engaged in sending spam via Bluehost servers and they warned me they would watch me like a hawk.

    Hope this might help.

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