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Nothing after installation

  • @chrislegendary


    Hi, i have recently been put in charge of fixing a website and i wanted to add a forum, bbpress seems perfect. So i get to installation, it goes through fine. But after installation, there is nothing that shows that i have it installed, the only indication is that is in my installed plugins. There is no place were i can insert the forum into my site or even view any options for it… Please help πŸ™‚
    I am using v. 3.8.1 wordpress and bbPress v. 2.5.3

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  • @kbonaker


    I have the same problem.
    There is no BB Press on the side menu bar although it says it installed correctly.
    On the side menu bar there is no Forum listed, so if I wanted to add a new test forum this is not possible




    I have the same problem, though it happened after I updated WordPress to 3.8.2.



    *bump* same problem here… also just updated to 3.8.2.

    Solution ?



    when I activate bbpress, my site gets pages blank, anyone know why?
    I’m using WP version 3.8.2 and bbpress 2.5.3



    I suspect it has something to do with the Heartbleed / OpenSSL -flaw …

    How can this be solved ? bbPress is – apparently – not up-to-date with that (?)



    @a42 I have decided to move to a different type of forum as I have realised by reading past threads that questions and issues raised are not well addressed, and in some cases not answered at all. I assume bbPress needs to updated to be compatible to the new version of WordPress.

    It is going blank due to the plugin causing issues with the new version of WordPress. Go to your FTP manager, and save the plugin on your computer and then delete the plugin on ther server. You will be able to login into the dashboard. That was my issue in any case…



    @oldkcole you have moved to a different type of forum as in outside WordPress [scary thought…] ?



    WP Symposium, so still for WordPress



    ok, is that as customizable as bbpress in the free version ?

    (a shame that I have to look else where for some else as bbpress is highly customzable…)



    @a42 this absolutely has NOTHING to do with Heartbleed. It’s so non-related, it’s almost inflammatory to advertise otherwise.

    When you activate bbPress, you should be assigned the “Key Master” role, and redirected to the bbPress about page in your dashboard. If that’s not happening, that’s a bug, and you should assign yourself the Key Master role to have access to bbPress’s admin areas.



    @johnjamesjacoby ok, I believe you πŸ™‚

    So, I did a reset of the roles in the user role editor plugin and suddenly the forum links in backend is back … how strange that is …



    Hi all,
    I wanted to mention that it took about 2 hours for the Forum heading to show up on the menu dashboard after I installed BB Press. It is working fine now with no issues.

    Server maybe? not sure..



    @johnjamesjacoby and how would one assign oneself as the “keymaster”?



    * Visit Admin > Users
    * Tick the box next to your account
    * Use the right-most drop-down and select “Key Master”
    * Save the page

    I’ll note again that under normal circumstances this should happen automatically when activating bbPress. Sorry it didn’t, and I’m curious to know any other plugins you may have installed (to see if there’s some conflict with one of them that prevented this.)



    @kbonaker lucky you… heading & content of topics are missing – though I can see they are been included in the templates…

    I have that opportunity now after a reset of the roles in the role-plugin I use… Just remember to backup your installation fairly often (I use to manage my installations) as a reset of the roles can f…up your content as well :/




    Alright, thanks guys. I will try this out when i get to work πŸ™‚



    I too am having issues with seeing the admin area of bbpress
    Brand new site with no content yet
    WordPress 3.8.2 running Twenty Thirteen theme.
    Installed plugins:
    Post Expirator
    WordPress FAQ Manager
    WP e-Commerce

    With these plugins active, I am able to get to the Forum activity on the dashboard, but that’s it. Interestingly, there is only one user in my WPinstall, but the forums activity is displaying 19?

    And the conflict appears to be with WP e-commerce Version When I deactivate that plugin the links magically appear, but it doesn’t display the number of users correctly.

    We need to run WP e-commerce and would like to run bbpress if the conflict can be resolved.



    Here is the bug:
    When logged in as keymaster, I cannot see the forums menu nor assign a role as that function is missing in the user account section.

    So I crated a new user and assigned it as keymaster, I then logged into that new user but couldnt see the forum role area, but when I checked my actual user using the new user and listing all users, I can see my user account is assigned as a keymaster.

    Essentially somehow the plugin is not registering the user as any role while logged into that user account



    This was my solution:
    I installed WP DB manager, went to the empty/drop menu of the plugin and selected any bbpress entries under drop which deletes data in the table (they all cluster so it will be easy to find). I then installed bbpress and it works.

    Warning: please backup database before you fiddle with it!



    And the conflict appears to be with WP e-commerce Version When I deactivate that plugin the links magically appear, but it doesn’t display the number of users correctly.

    WP e-Commerce has one known issue in 3.8.13 that I know of, it is fixed for 3.8.14 though this appears to be a different issue:

    Trying to Edit Reply causes infinite redirect loop

    Maybe post a question on their support forums here



    Same thing happening to me. Running WordPress 3.9. I activated bbPress – first time i got a weird access denied error, so I removed and reinstalled. Now when I activate, i get nothing, no welcome page, nothing on the left menu. I do get a widget on the dashboard telling me I have no forums…

    Any more thoughts on this?



    So I create a new user, give them admin and keymaster roles and login as them. I now see Forums on the left nav. When I click the Forums link I get the message “Cheatin’ uh?”.

    I browse back to the dashboard, and now the Forums link is no longer there!




    Any definitive fix to this? Would really like to get this working.



    So, it looks like EventEspresso is the conflict. I disabled EventEspresso 4 and I can see all the bbPress links.

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