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not getting pagination links on forum pages

  • _ck_


    Ruh roh, I think I broke something.

    No pagination links on forum pages even though <?php forum_pages(); ?> is there – pagination shows up and works just fine on topic pages however.

    Seems to work here, any ideas how to debug this other than turning off two dozen plugins?

    ps. also someone has to tell me oneday how to change the pagination number count and formatting without hacking the core – how do I alter that default settings array?

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  • _ck_


    Update: I found the problem. It’s the same one I reported here:

    If a forum page has sub-forums visible, it messes up any function that depends on calculating the current forum_id. It will instead return the last sub-forum’s id.

    So the pagination didn’t think there was anything to paginate.

    Should be interesting to see how they fix that.

    Should be interesting to see how they fix that.

    Surely they’d just have to reset $forum at the end of the loop to the actual forum? Or if you’ve got the loop there yourself in the template just do

    foreach( $forums AS $blugrlenardstkoasdentoedasnte ) { ... }

    to avoid the variable name collision.



    fel64, the string is internal to bbpress, not the template loop.

    Look at forum.php template to remind yourself

    <?php while ( bb_forum() ) : ?>
    <tr<?php bb_forum_class(); ?>>

    $forum is being treated as a global and not reset back.

    I could remember and reset $forum I guess before and after the while-loop $temp=$forum; loop-here; $forum=$temp; but that’s an ugly hack. It’s got to be fixed in the core and that’s beyond my knowledge of bbpress.

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