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not displaying correctly

  • @user-aaron


    I am using WordPress 4.1.1, and bbPress 2.5.6 with the Theme Twenty Thirteen, and bbPress does not display correctly, all pages of the forum look like this, and the rest of website look fine. Does anyone have any suggestions I could try in order to fix this?

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  • @robkk


    remove the CSS you added to your child theme (you can download it to backup if you made changes)

    let the style go back to the normal 2013 then put back the CSS

    it did this type of thing for 2014 for me one time and it was pretty weird.

    this PHP snippet should remove the double Private wording

    add_filter('private_title_format', 'ntwb_remove_private_title');
    function ntwb_remove_private_title($title) {
    	return '%s';

    other than that try these troubleshooting tips

    General Issues
    bbPress works with many themes and plugins, but it is impossible to test all combinations, and many issues are caused by conflicts with plugins and themes.
    Therefore before posting, please test if your issue is resolved by the following


    Deactivate all but bbpress and see if this fixes. If it does, re-enable one at a time to see which is causing the error.


    If plugins don’t pinpoint the problem, as a test switch to a default theme such as twentytwelve, and see if this fixes.

    If the above produces an issue:

    If it is a paid theme or plugin, please contact the authors for resolution.
    If free, do ask here, we may know of workaround.
    PLEASE tell us you have done the tests above when posting.

    The following will do no harm, so are worth a try and can fix some issues
    Dashboard>settings>permalinks. Don’t change anything, but just click save. This resets the permalinks, and can solve some 404 errors.
    Dashboard>tools>forums>repair forums and run one at a time. Useful if you’ve got some stuff not showing – doesn’t often fix but occasionally does.

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