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Not able to add a Topic in front end…

  • @lilmisskatie


    Hi there!

    I’ve just installed your plugin and being logged in as a user in the frontend of the site I am not able to create a topic. The box text area shows but I can not click on it to input anything…it doesn’t matter if I’m admin or a user. I’ve also disabled all plugins and tried and still does not work. All other areas for the forum works to be able to add information to except the topic area. Can anyone explain what could be causing this?

    I’ve also searched on here for this as an issue and couldn’t find anything. My site is

    Thanks for the help.

    Kind Regards,

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  • @lilmisskatie




    I’m discovering it is a theme issue…I have squarecode and have contacted them to see if it is a known issue. However what do can I do if they can not resolve this issue? It seems like it would be a simple fix being it’s only the topic text field that does not work. I’ve also tried to do the tool repair forums and also changed the permalinks and did nothing. I really like this forum but feel I may have to go else where…



    Ok I am seeing that I am able to add text to the topics field but I must hit my tab button first to insure my text cuirser into the topics field. It will not allow me to place it by clicking on the field…how would this be? Anyone have any ideas.




    It might be a javascript issue , I just had to mess with a popular theme framework for a user to fix a bug in bbPress.

    And it was some javascript file from the theme conflicting with bbPress.

    So contact them to see if they can test that out.



    Thank you for your response! I’ve just now contacted the theme support to see if they can look into it. If they aren’t able to…is there anyone else you could direct me to that could look into this for me? paid support or maybe any documentation in regards to it being a javascript issue? Thanks!



    This is the response I received from the support.

    I just checked your page and there are no js errors coming from debug.

    I’m not sure what to tell you really, no one else has reported this issue and since this is just a demo, we don’t use bbpress. Perhaps if they could’ve been more specific on what is conflicting?

    …any ideas as to what else it could be? Thanks.



    I’ve noticed I can have the curser placed in the title section to type in details only when I hit the Tab-Key… I currently have it on my side bar noted in order to submit a new topic you much hit your tab-key however this is not ideal as people will not be able to add or post from mobile devices. What does anyone know about the tab-key script being a conflict?



    is there anyone else you could direct me to that could look into this for me? paid support or maybe any documentation in regards to it being a javascript issue?

    I will look into it, if I can’t find anything you can hire a developer. We have documentation for troubleshooting you and your themes support have basically done it all though and Identified it is in the theme.

    What does anyone know about the tab-key script being a conflict?

    I will check this out.

    I will come up with results later if I could find anything.



    Hey Rob!

    I really appreciate your time and efforts with all this. Let me know how I can get you my site info if you’re still able to take a look to see what you can fine. Let me know if I owe you anything for your time too.

    Kind Regards,





    Its the themes CSS causing an issue with the input box for the topic title.

    This custom CSS should do it.

    #bbpress-forums input#bbp_topic_title {
    	float: none;
    	padding: none;
    #bbpress-forums .bbp-form p {
    	float: none;
    	margin: 0;

    Tell your themes support this too.

    If you feel like donating you can do so here

    About Me


    #bbpress-forums input#bbp_topic_title {
    	float: none;
    	padding: 0;
    #bbpress-forums .bbp-form p {
    	float: none;
    	margin: 0;

    sorry made a little mistake haha writing it here.



    Hi Rob!

    Sorry I wasn’t able to get back to you sooner. I had a bunch of things going one later in the day and only now able to sit back down to my computer to take a look at this. The code works like a Charm! Thank you so much for doing this. I’ll be happy to send you something your way and plan to tomorrow for the time you took to solve this.

    I will also be passing this along to the template support team for them to be aware of this.

    Thanks again so much! Really appreciate this!

    Kind Regards,



    Donation sent. Thanks again for all your help! Have a wonderful day!

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