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No Forum link in Header

  • @trlyons


    I used these instructions ( ) to try to install bbPress. Site is two days old, so all software and plugins are new (and I’ve only added BP and bbP).

    The forums work, but I can’t get a link to show in the header:

    I’ve tried many things, including:
    – Reinstalling bbPress several times
    – Deactivating bbPress so the Directories link to connect “Discussion Forums” and the Forums Page can be set, then reactivating bbPress.
    – Keeping or deleting the Forums Page (having it exist prevents forum from working)
    – Kludging, by manually creating a page with a different url (/discuss) which forwards to /forums with the url redirection meta tag.
    – Reading and re-reading the afforementioned instructions, some parts of which don’t make sense to me. e.g.: “Since you are setting up Sitewide Forums only, a) Disable (uncheck) Discussion Forums in the Settings > BuddyPress > Components panel”

    So far the ugly kludge is the only thing that provided both a link in the header and a successful load of the /forums page.

    • This topic was modified 12 years, 5 months ago by Todd Lyons.
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  • @netweb


    Just add a link called ‘Forums’ to to your menu navigation in WP-Admin -> Appearence -> Menus



    Thanks. It seems that BP disabled the custom menu when it installed. Turning it back on meant that several other BP links like Activity, Groups, and Members also disappeared, but I created new links to those as well. Solved!

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