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No formatting or linking in my topics and replies

  • @pr0v4


    Hello there,

    I have a really strange problem… In the last few days I’ve noticed that all my messages do not show paragraphs, bolds, italics and neither links inside my topics.

    I find it really strange and if you want to have a look to this is the link on a page where this happens. Inside this response there was some links and formatting but everything is gone.

    It seems like WordPress is stripping out all the formatting my users add to the text and if you inspect the code you’ll find out that not a single <p> has been used…

    I am using custom template pages but in order to test I’ve also renamed the bbpress/ folder inside my theme and the problem is still present. Tryed to use Twenty Fiftheen and the problem persists. Also checked the settings but everything seems normal.

    The only thing I’ve done is update WordPress to the version 4.5, at least is the last action that I can recall.

    Hope you can help me and thank you for your advices.

    All the best,

    WordPress Version: 4.5
    bbPress Version: 2.5.8
    Genesis Version: 2.2.7
    bbPress Genesis Extend Version: 1.1.1

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