I did all that and before I tried anything I watch a Youtube video going over bbpress by Dev4Press.
When I go to make a new Page and select the Templets menu there is no bbpressindex to choose in fact there are no bbpress options to pick?
I am using fresh latest install of WP from GoDaddy, I have “Paid Membership” plugin and and “Simple Local Avatars” and my theme is Responsive.
You will need to copy the templates into a subdirectory of your theme
Nope I just had to make a New Page, named it Forum and then put short code [bbp-forum-index] .
Still not sure if this plugin is going to work for me, I am not that happy with the way it is arranged, it is a bit hard to understand how to see the different forums as they are just text and no color bars to differentiate them. Plus I need to have “Youtube” & “Picture” embed buttons to make it easy for people to share.
That is generally all dependent on the theme.
Good luck!