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No Admin for WordPress Admin after install

  • willcrain


    After the first time that I logged into my bbpress account after the install with wordpress I was no longer able to access the wordpress wp-admin page. no login option or anything. whenever i try to login i dont get anything… i can however log into the bbpress admin account

    My set-up is as followed:


    >files with wp instance (ie wp-config.php, index.php, etc)

    >[folder] wp-admin

    >[folder] wp-content

    >[folder] plugins

    >[folder] themes

    >[folder] myCustomTheme

    >[folder] uploads

    >[folder] index.php

    >[folder] wp-includes

    >[folder] bbpress instance

    Is this where i would want to put the bbpress instance for installation?

    Any help would be very appreciated. Thanks.

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  • chrishajer


    If your WordPress site is at, and that corresponds to “wordpress-instance”, then you want the folder “bbpress-instance” accessible at

    It’s hard to tell the hierarchy of your folders from your post, but basically, you want a folder (with bbPress files in it) at the same level as wp-config.php. The name of the folder matters, since it will be visible in the URL (bbpress-instance in the above example.)

    You should end up with this folder setup when you are done.


    Make sense?



    sorry about that. I did have it set up like that. (my spaces didnt show up in the post)

    wordpress-instance ( )

    >files with wp instance (ie wp-config.php, index.php, etc)

    >[folder] wp-admin/

    >[folder] wp-content/

    >[folder] plugins/

    >[folder] themes/

    >[folder] myCustomTheme/

    >[folder] index.php

    >[folder] wp-includes

    >[folder] bbpress instance (which i call ‘discussion-center’)

    in this case in order to access my bbpress site i use:

    and that works, i can see it all and interact with both…but, once logged in however i can not access the wordpress admin panel, … just a white page… as well as… even if i remove the [folder] bbpress instance from my wordpress instance it still doesnt offer access for wordpress… i would try uninstalling it and reinstalling it but what else would i have to remove other than the instance folder?

    thanks again for any help



    If you cannot access the WordPress admin, even without bbPress installed, then some other change is making your WordPress admin inaccessible. Did you modify wp-config.php in any way? Can you access your WordPress site without getting a white screen?

    If you have access to logs on your server, you can find out what Internal Server Error (500) is causing the white screen.

    To uninstall, you just need to remove the folder and drop the tables in the database. But with the folder removed, I don’t think your white screen has anything to do with bbPress at all. Unless you modified wp-config.php or any of your template files to incorporate bbPress.

    Did you make any changes other than installing bbPress, at or around the same time?

    Sounds like you have it installed in the correct place, according to the layout you posted here.



    Wait – if you are NOT logged in, can you get to wp-admin and log in? Maybe it’s just a cookie issue.

    Are you logging in with bbPress or WordPress? And did you integrated the two some how? At this point, I think it’s got to do with the login cookies. Try a different browser and see if you can log in to wp-admin first, without trying to log in to bbPress.



    I think that it was a cookie issue… after a number of different changes, uninstalls and reinstalls it seems to work fine. Not really sure what was going on but it seems to all work now… hopefully it stays that way… :)

    thanks though for the help… i am sure that i will have some further questions

    thanks again

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