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mu intergation bbpress – wp-config auth key?

  • @magicgirl


    Hi, I have installed wpmu2.7.1, BuddyPress 1.0 and bbpress “Brubeck” version

    I installed wpmu first all good

    I installed buddy press all good

    I installed bbpress all good

    I added a few bbpress plugins for groups , comminuty blogs and another for fbconnect all good

    Then i read about intergrating the logins and was linked to the screen cast step by step…even tho is said basic wp install i noticed the tag was MU so i continued.

    I got to the bit where you generate the secret keys I did this grabbed the 4 keys pasted into wp-config, i left the salt and other keys in tact. Saved and uploaded the file.

    Then the video said check you can login…i checked but i canont login to WPMU I get no error only a white screen, this is for admin and member logins.

    Any idea what to do if the login test in the video fails?

    There are no errors in the error log, there is no error on screen, only a white blank page.

    I now cannot install the plugin mentioned above as i have no access to the dashboard.

    How can i get the original auth/secret keys back?

    Or how can i fix it, i don’t reallly want to start again as i have spent days on other tweaks and skinning and such that would be painful to lose.

    I can still login to bbpress fine.

    Thanks in advance for any pointers…

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  • @magicgirl


    Turns out there where two blank lines inserted in the wp-config after the last ?>

    I delted them

    and It works now…



    empty lines can`t make a difference



    Yes, yes they can. You should NEVER have blank lines outside the wrapping <?php ... ?> (they cause all sorts of weirdness)

    Good catch, magicgirl.



    use the RC-1 version of bbpress if you want to integrate the two



    use the RC-1 version of bbpress if you want to integrate the two

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