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Moving forums from one installation to another

  • @pelmoggian



    I have a straightforward question – how do I move the existing bbpress data (Forums, Topics, Replies) from one WordPress installation to another?

    I see there is an ‘Export’ and ‘Import’ function in WordPress, where Forums, Topics and Replies can each be exported separately.

    But – would importing them into a functioning website overwrite existing pages and posts?

    Or is there something I am just missing in this whole process, and it is really just super easy, barely an inconvenience?

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  • @pelmoggian


    Just to add some information – running the latest version of BBPress.



    It’s not something I’ve tried so no idea how hard it might be.

    There is a lot to tie up, replies need to link to topics, which need to link to forums, and all need to link to users. Since the export takes these individually, I am struggling to see how that might work.

    so my gut feel is that it is not at all easy 🙂



    Yep – I certainly agree, although it is possibly a common occurrence – surely folks are not suffering through a painfull process? 🙁



    just looked back, and it is not something that has been asked for more than a couple of times.

    It is a problem that needs solving, but I’m just a helper here, and beyond free help to do the work required to create a method.

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