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Moderator role

  • @mica123


    I am afraid that I have many problems finding my way around bbpress.
    One of the things I didn’t realise is that anyone who registers is actually
    going into the list of users in WordPress. How do I know that they are all participants?
    If there are many users the list will be very long which is rather worrying.
    I also would like to know how I assign the moderator role to a user? I can’t find anything about it anywhere.
    I would very much appreciate your help.
    Many thanks.

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  • @robkk


    You should be able to see the Forum role beside each user in Users > All Users in the WordPress backend.

    You can change the Forum Role of a user by checking the checkbox by the user and then you will see a change forum role dropdown above the user list. Click the forum role dropdown and select the role Moderator, then hit the change button next to it and the user will now be a moderator.



    Thank you. I found this not on the All users page but on clicking the Edit button for a user I was able to get to another page and there I could change the role for the Forum.
    Do moderators have access to the backend? If they do, how can I disable it? They should do all the editing or deleting posts from the front end only. I sincerely hope this is possible.

    There is a confusion in the General settings for automatic registration of new users – should this be for Contributor or Subscriber?
    Also, how do I know if all users w3ho register on the front end are participants? They should not have access to the backend.



    Thank you. I found this not on the All users page but on clicking the Edit button for a user I was able to get to another page and there I could change the role for the Forum.

    Yeah that works too.

    Do moderators have access to the backend? If they do, how can I disable it? They should do all the editing or deleting posts from the front end only. I sincerely hope this is possible.

    Only for moderating topics/replies in the backend. If they are also a subscriber they can also edit their Profile from the backend too and nothing more than that.

    There is a confusion in the General settings for automatic registration of new users – should this be for Contributor or Subscriber?

    It is subscriber by default in WordPress for users that can only read blog posts. Contributers can edit blog posts and delete them too.

    Also, how do I know if all users w3ho register on the front end are participants? They should not have access to the backend.

    You can install a plugin like WP Admin No Show

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