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Moderator is unable to create forums

  • @sarau


    I’m using WordPress version 3.8.1 (the latest as of this writing) and bbPress version 2.5.3 The url wouldn’t show the problem since the forum is private and you would only see “Oh bother! No forums were found here!” on the page as a non-logged in non-member of the site. This question also relates to the WordPress dashboard rather than the site itself. I’ve given a user on the site the bbPress role of Moderator with the expectation that he should be able to set up new forums, however, when he logs in, he can only see/access topics, replies and profile in the WordPress dashboard. There is no link to “Forums” where he can add new ones. Why is this the case when according to the roles information on this page: a Moderator “can create and edit forums. Can create, edit and delete other users’ topics and replies. Can manage Tags, and moderate a forum with the moderation tools”?

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  • @johnjamesjacoby


    The documentation was wrong. Moderators cannot create/modify forums.

    I’ve updated the documentation to match what each role can do.



    The documentation was wrong. Moderators cannot create/modify forums.
    I’ve updated the documentation to match what each role can do.

    Actually they can, the documentation was correct 😉

    				// Forum caps
    				'publish_forums'        => true,
    				'edit_forums'           => true,
    				'read_private_forums'   => true,
    				'read_hidden_forums'    => true,

    I have added those changes back to the codex.

    The caveat to this is that they can only create and edit forums in the ‘front end’ and not via the admin dashboard. (Details of this are noted in Trac as part of the wider scope Moderator control panels)

    To allow moderators to create forums you need to use the [bbp-forum-form] shortcode on a page.

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