Update: I have disabled the jeptack plugin and menus show up.
Well, jetpack plugin is one of the most used plugin and very useful one so I would love to keep these two plugins enabled.
ok, I suspect that your issue are interrelated, without jetpack does your other issue go away ?
When I disable the jetpack plugin, the menus are showing up, but:
Still there is issue with showing up topics.
Yesterday, the menus have been showing up with the jetpack plugin enabled.
When I have installed the plugin (bbpress) a few days ago, the menus has not been showing up, I read that I have to install User Role Editor, I installed it, activated and it worked (since then the menus has been showing up). Until yesterday.
So I do not think there is issue with the jetpack because yesterday they (the menus) have been working with the jetpack plugin enabled.
Maybe there is issue with user role?
I would like to give you access to my dashboard, so you can take a quick look into an issue.
sorry, we don’t normally access user sites, there have been claims of breaking site previously !
up, I read that I have to install User Role Editor
can you give the source of this please?
that fixed it for one person, and probably you temporarily.
did you try the capabilities and see what that showed?
Ok, topics are adding correctly.
But there is some conflict with the jetpack plugin.
Because when this plugin is disabled, the menus are working but when I enable the jetpack plugin, the menus are gone.