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Member counter

  • @ubbegubben


    Hi all!

    I am looking for a plugin that Counts all the members in my site!
    I want tog be able till tell when member # 1000 i registred, becuse that person will win a house alarm in a lottery!

    Any suggestions?

    Best regards
    Urban Eriksson

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  • @robkk


    I think every user has an ID and it increments by each registration on your site.

    So you might be able to use that.




    I do not ser any kind of numbers on the members on my site!

    I a there something i must activate?



    The user ID is created automatically. There might be something that might help you out like Reveal IDs plugin that will show the ID of each registered user on your site. I cannot find anything that will help you find the 1000th user easily yet. I might find a plugin/code snippet later today that might help.



    Many thanks!

    Best regards
    Urban Eriksson



    Sorry for the late reply, but I couldn’t find a soltution to find a specific user with the ID of 1000.

    This shows recently registered users but you would have to keep track of who is the 1000th user.

    Other than that it may be custom development and you may need to hire a developer.



    No problem for late answer. I am happy for all the help i get.
    I will look into this plugin. Maby i can export data from it to Excel or something!

    Best regards
    Urban Eriksson




    I accidently found an answer to my dilemma !
    I use WangGuard on my site and in “WangGuard Users” all my members gets a number !

    So if you gets “member number” questions agin! so on ..

    Thanks for helping anyway
    this is a jungle for a newbie like me.

    Wanguard member info

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