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MAJOR noobie with a lot of questions

  • @leeleepompom


    Hi everyone,

    I wasn’t sure where to post my question. I apologize if there are others like mine out there.

    Extreme WP noobie here, I’ve been given the task of making a forum.

    I downloaded bbPress, everything seems to have been set up. When I try to register, I received an error stating “User registration is not opened”.
    I followed the directions from Then, I went back and turned on anyone can register. Now, because I did that, anyone that registers registers for a WordPress account. I’m not sure if that’s correct.

    Second: I need to have a public forum, which I created. Member-only forum, also created (but having that registration issue). Also, we want to have an admin forum, obviously just for admins. How do I do that last part? Only give access to certain people?

    Third: Not sure if you’re the People to talk to about this, but, we also want to have a section in our website, preferably in the forum, for our clients to have a journal/diary. They will log their food for the day. It will be private and just for them. Any advice on that? I tried using the DiaryPress plug in, but i can’t seem to figure out how it works and there isn’t any documentation online.

    I am pretty sure I can do it via the forum, I just don’t know how to do it. I know it’s a permissions thing and I can make certain posts hidden.

    How easy is it to create a login just for them? We don’t want to use something like Penzu, because we want it tied to us.

    I was just told we need to also make it so that the posters are anonymous. I don’t want to have people to post anonymously, I want them to sign up.

    Is there a way to do that?

    I’m sorry for the novel. But as you can see. I am way way way over my head and need a lot of help.

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  • @robin-w


    Donlt worry we all had to start at some stage !!


    Now, because I did that, anyone that registers registers for a WordPress account. I’m not sure if that’s correct.

    yes that is how bbpress works it uses a worpress account. As long as you set Dashbiard>settings>general default to subscriber, your user won’t be able to do anything in wordpress

    2. set the admins to hidden as per docs

    Forum visibility:

    Public – Anyone can see these forums
    Private – Only logged in registered users with a forum role can see these forums
    Hidden: Only Moderators/keymasters can see these forums

    If you want more granular access, then use

    3. no sorry not a ‘diary’ way- wordpress not bbpress so try their forum, but


    I am pretty sure I can do it via the forum, I just don’t know how to do it. I know it’s a permissions thing and I can make certain posts hidden.

    and set a forum per user, but you’ll need to do this manually as part of user set-up, so if only say one as day signing up that would be fine, but if hundreds !!


    ‘I was just told we need to also make it so that the posters are anonymous’

    No idea why, it is entirely up to you how you set you site up
    – if you want no-one to comment then set comments off in settings>discussion>default article settings.
    – if you want just registered – then also set ‘users must be registerd…’ in other comment settings

    Come back if you need further help 🙂




    Thank you for the help. After I sent this post in, I figured out how to make an admin section. Yay!

    I set it up so whenever someone signs up they are a participant.

    It seems the private journal idea doesn’t seem like a good idea unless I manually enter the new participants/subscribers. Remember, only they can see their post. No one else.

    Last, I don’t think I understand your last section. There isn’t a way to make all post(ers) anonymous?



    Last, I don’t think I understand your last section. There isn’t a way to make all post(ers) anonymous?

    sorry I thought you didn’t want that !! viz

    I was just told we need to also make it so that the posters are anonymous. I don’t want to have people to post anonymously, I want them to sign up.

    my previous comments related to wordpress comments rather forum topics/replies – sorry I was working my way though many questions at the time !


    you can have anonymous posting

    Dashboard>settings>forums>forum user settings and tick anonymous posting.

    BUT it will only be anonymous if the user ISN’T logged in, if they log in it will post under their name.

    Come back if anything not clear – I’ll happily help further !



    Hello again,

    Well, the anonymous posting has been figured out, luckily our users can make a username, hopefully they won’t use their actual name.

    I have a new problem, I have EVERYTHING blocked. Password protected and hidden/private. I am getting hundreds of people registering for the forum. There isn’t any SEO on it and it’s not even on our website. I am still working on it.

    What do I do?! I woke up to 87 emails yesterday and about 35 this morning. Yikes!



    use a wordpress re-captcha programme to stop the automatic, so that only real people come through


    there are others and I haven’t tried this one (or any) – just google !



    Where and how do I insert that? I used the short code [bbp-register] How can I add the Captcha?



    bbpress hooks to wordpress registration, so any wordpress recapcha should work, you just load the relevant plugin and follow instructions



    Didn’t quite work that way for me. I did a different registration with a captcha, however, i am still getting new registration emails. I don’t know how.



    and are these people actually being added to the users database?



    any kind of wordpress/bbpress or other website that has open public registration needs very strong anti spambot protection, i use a few different plugins, but some spammers still get through sometimes, no one plugin will get them all…

    these 2 work well together, but a few bots etc will still slip though, search this bbpress forum for more anti-spam info




    So, I am using a different registration form with a captcha. We have the same form on our website and we haven’t had any issues… but, I am still get emails about the old one. How can I be getting emails from the old registration if it’s been deleted?!

    Help! I am over 200 emails with a new user. I don’t know how to stop it!




    So, I am using a different registration form with a captcha

    how many registration forms do you have now??

    I am still get emails about the old one. How can I be getting emails from the old registration if it’s been deleted?!

    which old registration form is getting all the emails?? the bbp-register one??

    Help! I am over 200 emails with a new user. I don’t know how to stop it!

    Are some of them legit users or are all of them Spam?? or is it a mix of the two??

    you can deactivate registration for awhile until you get this fixed up to stop them flooding in for now.



    I only have 1 registration form. Only 1. the bbp register short code has been deleted but I am still getting the emails from that.

    I can’t imagine any of these being real since the old registration is gone.

    I can’t find where to deactivate registration. I am using the Visual Form Builder Pro plug in with captcha. That one is working properly If I deactivate registration, will that affect the VFBP?



    I only have 1 registration form. Only 1. the bbp register short code has been deleted but I am still getting the emails from that.

    could it be spammer going to this?? instead of the bbPress one that you already deleted.

    I can’t imagine any of these being real since the old registration is gone.

    yeah you might as well turn registration off til you get sorted out on this issue.

    I can’t find where to deactivate registration.

    go to settings > general uncheck Anyone can Register

    If I deactivate registration, will that affect the VFBP

    when you uncheck anyone can register it should disable this until you activate it.



    I unchecked “anyone can register” whew. Thank God. I had only 350 emails. haha.

    Thank you everyone for the help and support. I greatly appreciate it!




    now you need to take care of all the existing spam users using something like WangGuard or Stop Spammers Spam Prevention.

    The links to them both are in @sam-rohn’s reply above

    MAJOR noobie with a lot of questions

    Then make sure your new registration form from Visual Form Builder Pro is the only registration form you have on your site.

    Then activate registration again and see if all that helps with your spam.

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