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Lock/Assign Specific Forums to Specific Members Only

  • @testuserfay


    Hi. I am using BBpress to add a community component to my mostly informational site. What I want is for my forums to:

    1) be hidden from nonlogged in members;

    2) require members to be able to login and check the 1 forum that I assign to them for updates, WITHOUT having access to someone elses forum.

    Is this at all possible through an existing plugin or through some code modification?

    I am using wp-members for registration/login stuff. That plugin does have the ability to lock access to pages and posts, but currently, I don’t use those features.

    I am also using latest BBpress and WordPress software.

    Thank you.

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  • @testuserfay


    Anywhere I can find more info on password protecting the forums so that only 1 non admin member can access and post? Please help!



    I am looking for the same thing : I’d like to be able to manage user access on a per forum basis.

    Ie :
    – Users A, B, C have access to forum 1
    – Users C, D, E, have access to forum 2
    – User A does not have access to forum 2
    – User E does not have access to forum 1

    I tried to look into the WordPress capabilities and roles management, but since a given user can only have one role, this does not solve my problem. In my example above, users B and C would not be able to access 2 different restricted forums.

    I read somewhere on this forum (but can find where !) that user access management like this was planned for BBpress 2.1, but I realize this was not the case.

    I searched for a plugin, with no luck. I also tried other WordPress forum plugins, some offer a feature like this, but I didn’t like the rest of what they offered in comparison with BBpress.

    Any idea of a solution that would not be over-complicated ? Or is it a feature that’s being looked into for a future BBpress release ?

    • This reply was modified 12 years, 8 months ago by docchewbacca.



    More specific user capability management will happen in bbPress 2.2.



    Great news !
    Any idea (even approximate) of the delay before 2.2 happens ? (since this is a feature that I’m currently badly missing, I just want to know if it’s more a matter of weeks, months, one year… to know if it’s worth looking for a work-around until 2.2 is here)



    By the end of the year.




    I looked at version 2.2, updated my bbpress, but didn’t find how to manage forum access on an individual user basis.

    Has this feature been implemented?




    Partially. The roles and capabilities in 2.2 have all the filters and hooks in place to allow for this to happen in future versions, though there’s no UI for it currently.

    Forum VS Role VS User permissions are going to be tricky to handle in WordPress. We’ll most likely need to get creative with where the relationship data is stored, using the taxonomy table or something similar.



    I’m watching this thread for developments. I’m needing the same functionality. Hidden forums for special members.



    Looking for the same thing.



    Also wondering the status on this. I’ve a tool to limit access by userrole, but I really need a tool to limit access by capability.


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