I should add that I can see the “Reply E-mail body” in the settings. I see “Topic url: [reply -url]”
Is there another shortcode that would make this an active link?
I am totally at a loss with coding stuff myself, so if there is an answer to my main question, I hope it is a simple one.
If you have only installed bbPress, links should be clickable… Did you add any other plugins on your installation ?
Thanks for the reply. I had installed “bbPress Notify(No-Spam)”. I have deactivated it now to see what happens. Now there are no notifications being sent at all!
I have been unable to get the barebones bbPress send notifications from the start. So I found the Notify plugin and could get notifications to work – but with no active links.
Does bbPress have a basic setting to send notifications when a new topic is started? Or can you recommmend a plugin that integrates better with bbPress and can do this?
Further clarification.
If I reply to a Topic, and have selected “email me replies to this Topic”, the email I get has an active link.
But what I wanted to achieve, and could do with bbPress Notify, was to automatically send a notification to members when a new topic or new forum was created.
That a standard feature of WordPress: Subscriptions.
If somebody is subscribed to a forum, that person will receive an email upon new topic creation.
If somebody is subscribed to a topic, that person will receive an email upon new reply creation.
When you are in a forum, somewhere on top it should say ‘subscribe’. Clicking there should send you emails when new topics are created.
If you, as admin (keymaster) or moderator wants to deal with (manage) subscriptions, have a look at my bbP Toolkit plugin that has ways of activating/deactivating for other users.
Thank you Pascal
I must say I never noticed the subscribe button on the Forums before.
That should work as I want.
I will also take a look at your Toolkit plugin.
Thank you for the help