That’s probably the prettiest Authentication Required form I’ve ever seen.
oops forgot to shut that off
Very cool to see how bbPress can be changed.
THe post scrolls off the side and there is no scroll bar to see it all.
Nice use of my Avatar Upload plugin! I see you’ve modded it a bit too by adding a classname to the image link, which is great.
I like the “Random Members” on the front page. I wonder if you’d consider sharing code, with full credit of course, so the random image thing can be added to the avatar upload plugin?
I don’t know how you’ve set-up your random script, but I can see it being made configurable, so users can select the number to display and if they wish to limit it to only people who have uploaded an avatar.
Let me know what you think.
I think you should give credit to atsutane who made this the random members plugin.
i just integrated your avatar plugin with the random members
I will be making a plugin of my own where you can add buddies to your friends list.
Aha! I did not realise there was a Random Member plugin. In that case I just need to add instructions for integrating without needing to duplicate the functionality.
I like it when things turn out to be far simpler than expected!
Has been relaunched new design is in beta
Are the double linebreaks at the start of every post intentional? Each post seems pushed down to the bottom of the post area.
It’s a nice site, what’s the idea behind it?